ACCPT4 Flashcards
What is the First Fundamental Theory of Welfare Economics (FFTWE)?
If all agents are price takers and markets exist for all commodities then market trading will result in a Pareto efficient outcome.
What is the Second Theory of Welfare Economics (SFTWE)?
If all ICs and isoquants are convex, then for each Pareto efficient allocation, there is an initial resource endowment such that price mechanisms will lead to the P.E. outcome.
What are the three Social Welfare Functions (SWF)?
1) Benthamite SWF - W=Ua+Ub… the two utilities are perfect substitutes for each other.
2) Rawsian SWF - W=min{Ua,Ub}… the two utilities are perfect complements.
3) Bergson SWF - Convexity (averages are preferred to extremes)
What are the axioms for Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem?
1) Completeness - social ranking can order all outcomes.
2) Transitivity - rankings are consistent.
3) Pareto - If all people prefer A>B, then the social ranking is A>B.
4) Non-dictatorial - No single person’s preferences can determine social ranking.
5) Pairwise independence - A ranking of two outcomes should not be dependent on a third outcome.
Explain the impact of majority voting on AIT?
-AIT 3 and 4 are satisfied.
-People may have different rankings, therefore, not transitive.
-A third political party makes it not Pairwise independent.
What is Kaldor/strong and weak compensation?
-Strong - The losses to B can be fully compensated, whilst also allowing individual A to benefit.
-Weak - Welfare improvement but can also work the other way.