Advantages and disadvantages of the investment option of property…
> Can provide capital gain and and income stream to the investor.
> Can be an easy profitable investment if the right factors are met, such as; good property and good tenants.
> If no tenants available, the investor will be left paying rent for the property.
> Possibility for dodgy investors.
Advantages and disadvantages of the investment option of a bank account…
ADVANTAGE > Money is readily accessible > No risk of losing money DISADVANTAGE > Accounts may pay a very low return > Highly possible that when the return on the bank account could actually be negative after account-keeping fees are factored in.
Advantages and disadvantages of the investment option of shares…
> Possibility for greater returns and tax benefits
> Flexibility in owning and selling shares
> Many varieties of shares to buy
> Investing in shares brings a risk. Depending on how much you spend and what you buy will be your risk.
What is the sole proprietorship ownership structure?
A sole proprietorship is a business owned by single individual, operating the business in their own right under their own name or a registered business name. A sole trader ship is not a separate legal entity so the owner has unlimited liability.
What is the partnership ownership structure?
A partnership is the business owned by two or more persons (2-20). They share profits and decision-making powers. There is unlimited liability to the owners.
What is a proprietary company ownership structure?
A proprietary company is a business that exists as a separate legal entity and is entitled to do business in its own right it is owned by shareholders. A proprietary company has limited liability.
Advantages and disadvantages of a sole proprietorship…
ADVANTAGES > Easy and cheap to start up > Owner has full control > Owner receives all profits DISADVANTAGES > Owner has unlimited liability and can be forced to sell off personal assets > The business has a limited life with the owner > Limited financial source to start with > Can be a lot of work for one owner
Advantages and disadvantages of a partnership…
ADVANTAGES > Relatively cheap as multiple sources of finance > Greater access to capital and skills > Possibility for tax benefits DISADVANTAGES > Control is shared which may lead to disagreements and personality clashes > Unlimited liability > Profits are shared among all partners > The business has a limited life
Advantages and disadvantages of a proprietary company…
ADVANTAGES > Limited liability as there is a separate legal entity > Greater ability to attract finance > The life of the business is ongoing DISADVANTAGES > Establishment costs are higher > Higher costs of running and tax > Difficult to attract additional capital
Advantages and disadvantages of the alternative of buying an existing business…
> Proven success record
> All assets, practices and suppliers etc are already established
> Immediate income stream may be available
> there is advice available by previous/ franchise owners
> Preview success may have been dependent on the previous/franchise owner
> Difficult to change existing procedures
> Must pay for Goodwill
> Existing assets may need repair or even replacement.
Advantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise…
> Recognised brand name
> established and proven reputation and procedures
> all equipment necessary to commence operations provided
> bulk buying power through the franchise group
> High purchased price
> ongoing franchise fees
> strict guidelines for operations
> Competition from fellow franchisees
> Dependence on the operations of the franchisor