This is the income that appears in the income statement.
Accounting Income
What is the basis of Accounting Income?
It is the income appearing on the ITR?
ITR = Income Tax Returns
Taxable Income
What is the basis of Taxable Income?
Tax Laws
Cash Basis
Income tax expense reported in the statement of comprehensive income may be different from the amount of income tax required to be paid to the BIR.
This type of difference arises when income and expenses enter in the computation of either accounting income or taxable income but not both.
Permanent Differences
They are the items excluded from the income tax return.
These differences include timing differences, wherein income and expenses are recognized for financial reporting purposes in one period but are recognized for taxation purposes in another period.
Temporary Differences
What are the two types of permanent differences?
- Non-taxable Revenues
- Non-deductible Expenses
What are the two types of temporary differences?
- Taxable Temporary Differences
- Deductible temporary differences
These are recognized as revenue in Accounting, but not recognized as revenue in the BIR.
Non-taxable revenues
These are expenses deducted under accounting purposes, but cannot be deducted under the BIR.
Non-deductible expenses
These are future taxable amounts.
Taxable Temporary Differences
These are future deductible amounts.
Deductible Temporary Differences
What temporary difference brings deferred tax liability?
Taxable Temporary Differences
Note: This is a bigat in the future
What temporary difference brings deferred tax asset?
Deductible Temporary Differences
Note: This is a benefit in the future.