Accounting basics Flashcards
- What is the Accounting Equation?
- Rewrite the accounting equation to calculate net assets
- Rewrite the accounting equation to calculate profit
- Assets = Capital + Liabilities
- Assets - Liabilities = Capital
- Profit = Assets - Liabilities + Capital - Drawings
(Capital = Capital + Profit - Drawings)
Which of the following costs can be capitalised?
a) Building alterations needed to use the new asset
b) Testing costs
c) Installation costs
d) Training costs
e) Obligations known to the company on acquisition of asset, e.g. costs of disposal, site restoration
f) Replacement parts that increase the operating capacity of the asset
g) Repairs and renewals
h) Costs of opening a new facility
a, b, c, e & f
h is marketing / advertising costs
What is the necessary journal when revaluing an asset upwards?
DR Asset W/ revaluation amount
DR Acc dep Full balance
CR Reval surplus (OCI) ᵦ
What is the necessary journal when revaluing an asset downwards for the first time?
What is the necessary journal when revaluing an asset downwards, following a previous revaluation upwards?
First time losses are expenses to the P/L (gains are NEVER recognised in P/L, only reval surplus. Unless there has been a PY loss that was recognised in the PL, then the P/L expense can be reversed when there is a gain, net of the depn saving)
DR P/L Loss on revaluation
CR Asset
DR Reval surplus w/ until balance is 0
DR P/L Loss on revaluation ᵦ
CR Asset w/ full revaluation difference
On an impairment review, what is the recoverable amount?
a) Fair Value less Costs to sell (10k)
b) Value in use (15k)
b - impairment reviews are based on is the highest recoverable amount. This is the business choice that would be made - if more valuable to keep or sell
Does a firm HAVE to capitalise borrowing costs?
Yes, but there is an accounting policy choice as to how to release the expense
What disclosures are necessary when borrowing costs have been capitalised?
The entity should disclose the AMOUNT of borrowing costs that have been capitalised
The entity should disclose the RATE used to determine the amount of borrowing costs
What are the two types of funds an entity may have that may need to be capitalised as borrowing costs?
a) Funds borrowed specifically for construction - one given interest rate
b) General borrowing that is then used for construction - weighted average cost of borrowing needs to be determined
What is the impact of any interest income earnt by a loan when it comes to capitalising borrowing costs
The borrowing costs capitalised should be reduced by the investment income
How do you calculate the weighted average cost of borrowing?
Total Interest costs / Total borrowing
a) In what situations are changes in accounting policy acceptable?
b) What situations are not considered changes in accounting policy?
If required by IFRS
If the change will result in the FSs providing more relevant information
if a business has recently merged with one with different acc policies
Adopting an acc policy for a new type of transaction or event
If a company changes their acc policies voluntarily and it has a material impact on the CY or PY, how should this be reflected in the disclosures?
Disclosure note should explain;
The nature of the change
The reasons for change
The amount of the adjustment for CY
The amount of the adjustments in PY
Whether PY has been restated
Name some examples of accounting estimates
Allowances for receivables
Useful lives of depreciated assets
Warranty provisions
a) Are changes in accounting policies recognised prospectively or retrospectively?
b) Are changes in accounting estimates recognised prospectively or retrospectively?
a) Retrospectively
b) Prospectively
Should changes in accounting estimates be disclosed?
Yes, if they have material impacts. The disclosure should detail;
- Nature of change
- Amount of change