Accounting Flashcards
What is the FIFO Inventory Method for IFRS?
First in, first out. Reflects higher gross profit as current revenues matched against older goods in an inflationary environment. FIFO = what it originally costed to produce whereas LIFO= Current value to produce
What is an Operating Lease?
- Financing lease - Owner doesn’t own the building and gets rent
- On IS, rent shows up as an OpEx
-NOTHING shows up on BS although it should technically be recognised as a liability
Difference between the Financing Leases?
- A capital lease is different; shows up as if building is purchased with debt and you pay that overtime
- On IS, depreciation and interest exp recorded RATHER than rent
- Shows up on BS on assets & l&e side
Significance of EBITDAR?
Rental expense added back to get rid of effects of financial leases as EBITDAR as it also excludes depreciation, interest
If stocks’ are in the ‘available for sale’ securities on BS, and the price rises, is the ‘Unrealised gain’ recorded on IS?
No changes on IS &CFS - stocks havent been sold.
How is 30% acquisition different from 80%
With 30% acquisition, the financial statements aren’t consolidated - no goodwill created or purchase price allocation. however it’s listed on BS as equity investment
On IS, company adds 0.3* other company’s net income and subtracts on CFS.
With 80% - financial statements consolidated, creating goodwill, allocating purchase price and has 20% Noncontrolling interest
In Purchase Price allocation, why is existing goodwill and deferred taxes written off
Because the existing goodwill and deferred taxes have a fair value of 0