Accomodation Flashcards
Why is accommodation important?
A dynamic process to produce and maintain a focused retinal image
The power of the lens changes to maintain the image.
The lens curvature changes, the lens power changes and focusing changes.
The Accommodative Process
There is a change in the shape which leads to a change in the power of the lens
This allows objects at various distance to be focused at the retina.
The only active element is the ciliary muscle, while other parts are passive
What is the only active element of Accommodation?
The ciliary muscle, the rest are passive
What allows objects at various distances to be focused on the retina?
Change in shape that leads to a change in power of the lens
Smooth muscle with parasympathetic innervation
Ciliary muscle
In accommodation, the ciliary muscle does what?
The ciliary body contracts and moves forward
The contraction releases the resting tension on the zone less around the lens equator
The lens capsule is able to mold the lens to become more spherical
Function of the lens capsule
To mold the lens to become more spherical
Biomechanics of the accommodative process
Innervation to the ciliary muscle
Ciliary muscle contracts
Ciliary muscles moves inward and forward
Ciliary ring advances along the ciliary muscle
Choroid and posterior zone lens stretch
Anterior zonular tension decreases, and the zonules relax
Lens capsule mold the crystalline lens, lens becomes more spherical
Lens power increases and focal length decreases
Eye changes focus from distance to near
Accommodation occurs when:
The overall power of the lens increases.
- Equatorial diameter decreases
- anterior lens surface moves forward while posterior surface moves backward
- central anterior radius of curvature becomes more steep
- central posterior radius of curvature decreases
- central thickness increases
- lens sinks 0.3mm due to gravity
Parasympathetic pathway to ciliary muscle
Unfocused image on the retina
Blur signals transmitted to visual cortex
Cortical cell produce sensory blur signals
Signal goes to midbrain/oculomotor nucleus/Edinger-Westphal nucleus
Motor command transmitted to ciliary muscle
Ciliary muscle contraction
Crystalline lens deforms to produce an in focus retinal image
Where does the parasympathetic pathway start for the ciliary muscle?
Midbrain/oculomotor nucleus/Edinger-Westphal nucleus
How is the motor command transmitted to the ciliary muscle?
Oculomotor nerve (CN3) -> ciliary ganglion -> short ciliary nerve -> ciliary muscle
Parasympathetic pathway to the ciliary muscle is coupled with..
Pupillary function
When there is no accomodation, the anterior and posterior capsule is..
Taught and flat
When there is no accommodation, the ciliary muscle is..
What type of eye focuses on a distant target with no need for accommodation? What is the convergence?
Unaccommodated Emmetropic eye
With a near object, the object has _________ rays, leading to an unfocused image on the retina.
The optical power in the eye has to ________ to add positive convergent rays.
In the accommodative eye, the image is in focus because of the:
Accommodating lens
When an eye accommodates from infinity to a target at 1m (100cm) from the eye, it requires ____ of accommodation (100/100)
Accommodation is measured in:
3 physiological changes in accomodation
- Eye accommodation
- Pupil constriction
- Eye converge
AKA Near Reflex
Coupled with parasympathetic innervation from EW nucleus
Convergence, accommodation and pupil constriction occur in..
Both eyes.
Even if stimulus is in one eye
Reasons for change in pupil size
- Controls light
- Modifies depth of focus
- Varies any optical aberration
Corneal reflex in distance in near fixation
Reflex is nasally in distance fixation
Reflex is temporally in near fixation due to convergence
Components of Accommodation
Reflex accommodation
Vergence accommodation
Tonic accommodation
Proximal accommodation
An automatic adjustment of the refractive state to maintain a focused retinal image
Reflex accommodation
When does reflex accommodation occur?
When responding to blur, or reduction in contrast.
When and why is reflex accommodation important?
Important for small scanning eye movements/micro saccades
Very important because it makes the fine change under binocular and monocular condition