Access To Justice Flashcards
What is the Act and year that relates to legal aid?
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO)
What institution controls legal aid?
The Ministry of Justice
What are the two types of legal aid offered in the UK?
Legal advice
Legal representation
Where can a person go for civil advice?
Help lines
Civil Legal Advice (CLA)
Income limits low for funding
Where can a person go for advice in a criminal case, what section allows this?
S.13 LASPO 2012
Duty solicitor scheme at police stations
What are the financial restrictions to the duty solicitors scheme?
There aren’t any
Who controls legal aid?
Under the jurisdiction of the Legal Aid Agency since 2013
What does the director of legal aid case work do?
Supervises criminal legal aid decides if defendants qualify for duty solicitors
Who decides the availability of Civil Funding?
LASPO 2012 allows Lord Chancellor to set criteria
What does the Lord Chancellor consider when deciding the availability of civil legal aid?
Cost and benefit of providing service
Importance of individual
likely hood of success in claim
Public interest
What claims are covered by Civil Legal Aid?
Children’s rights
Mental health tribunals
What type of claims are not covered by Civil Legal Aid?
Contract and Tort
What is the test that is carried out to allow Civil Legal Aid?
Means Testing
What are the requirements to satisfy the ‘means test’ for civil legal aid ?
Less than £2657 gross income (unless 4+ children)
Less than £733 disposable income
Less then £8000 capital
What is the test for criminal legal aid?
Must qualify under the interests of justice & means test