Acceptance and Commitment therapy Flashcards
What is ACT?
ACT uses acceptance and mindfulness processes, and commitment and behavior change processes, to produce greater psychological flexibility.
ACT put into 3 simple steps
-show up (contact with present moment)
-let go (acceptance)
-get moving (values and commited action)
Aims of ACT
-create a richer more meaningful life
-While accepting pain that comes with that
-Dropping the struggle, increasing psychological flexibility
What is acceptance
A conscious act, an internal behavior, a move.
Openness, without defense.
Willingess to allow internal experiences to be.
How does Acceptance and Commitment Therapy work
Teaches individuals to accept and embrace their thoughts, especially ones that are distressing and unwanted
Helps individual clarify their personal values and take action on them
3 pros of ACT
Cost effective
Evidence based
Can be applied to multiple disorders
3 exercises used in ACT
Holding breath exercise
What is Fusion?
‘caught up in’, taking thoughts literally, cannot separate ourselves from our thoughts.
Nothing inherently wrong with fusion. Fusion is NORMAL.
When does Fusion become problematic?
What does it increase the likelihood of?
- Becomes problematic when it is overextended – people start taking their thoughts literally and do not notice the process of thinking itself.
experiential avoidance and reduction in value congruent living.
4 ways to detect fusion?
lots of comparing or evaluating
stuck in other times (past or future)
thoughts have a heavy “right and wrong” feeling.
Thoughts are busy, racing, repetitive, or confusing.
How to stop fusion
Thanking one’s mind for a thought
Watching thoughts go by as if leaves on a stream
Repeating words out loud until only the sound remains
Giving thoughts a shape, size, texture
I notice that….I am having the thought that….
Behave in ways that contradict a thought e.g. I cannot walk as one crosses a room
Just notice what your mind is telling you right now
Is this a helpful thought? Is this a good use of my time?
These techniques improve psychological and behavioural flexibility
Pros and cons of ACT
+ treatment is suitable for many conditions -anxiety, depression, eating disorders, stress, chronic pain, addiction ect.
+works for mild and severe disorders
+promotes a realistic and achievable view of mental wellness.
- present focused - not suitable for past trauma
-may not work for everyone, patients with psychosis and cognitive impairments has shown not to be as effective
-finding a therapist that does ACT is rare and the therapy is expensive.
Stage metaphor
Therapist explains perspective of viewing life as a stage show, in the regards of patient is in control of where they want the spotlight to be. Instead of negative thoughts / interactions taking the spotlight, encourages patients that they have control of the spot light and to focus it on what they value.