Accents from Flashcards
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the accents
les accents (m)
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the acute accent
l’accent aigu (m)
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e - acute
é (aigu)
e.g., un abbé (a priest), le café, l’été, un éléphant
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the circumflex accent
l’accent circonflexe (m)
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a - circumflex
â (circonflexe)
e.g., le gâteau, la pâte (the pastry), le bâtiment (the building)
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e - circumflex
ê (circonflexe)
e.g., la tête (the head), être (to be)
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i - circumflex
î - circonflexe
e.g., une île (an island)
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o - circumflex
ô (circonflexe)
e.g., un apôtre (an apostle)
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u - circumflex
û (circonflexe)
e.g., la croûte (the crust), août (August), dû (past particle of devoir)
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the grave accent
l’accent grave (m)
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a - grave
à (grave)
e.g., là (there)
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e - grave
è (grave)
e.g., le procès (the trial), la fièvre (the fever)
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u - grave
ù (grave)
e.g., où (where)
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the cedilla
la cédille
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c - cedilla
ç (cédille)
e.g., la façade (the front face), français (French), le garçon (the boy)