ACC Flashcards
Description of Scrooge in stave 1
Hard and Sharp as flint
Tight fisted hand at the grindstone
Solitary as an Oyster
Bob in Stave 1
Dismal little cell
What does Scrooge say to the portly gentlemen Stave 1
Decrease the surplus population
I can’t afford to make idle people merry
What happens when Fred arrives in stave 1
Merry Christmas Uncle!
His eyes sparkled and breathed smoked
(Quotes) Marley’s Ghost in Stave 1
Mankind was my business
I wear he chain I forged in life
What is Marley’s ghost covered in (stave 1)
Chains with padlocks and money boxes attached
How long had Marley been dead for
7 Years
Dead as a doornail
7 years this very night
Why is Bobs small fire significant (stave 1)
It shows Scrooges unwillingness to provide or care for others
When does Marley say the ghosts will arrive
What does Scrooge see when he goes home
Hearse going up the stairs
Marley’s face in the door knocker
Blames undigested beef
How is the ghost of Christmas past described - Stave 2
No so child like as an old man
There were fragments of all the faces it had shown
What does Scrooge see when he goes to the school - Stave 2
Solitary child, neglected by his friends
What does Fezziwig have the power to do? (Quote) - Stave 2
Power to render us happy or unhappy
Clear the tables!
What does Belle say about her relationship with Scrooge - Stave 2
Another idol has displaced me, a golden one
What does the Ghost of Christmas past look like
Young and old
Beam of light
What is the name of Scrooges sister
Little fan, mother of Fred