Academic Words (List 1 of 10) Flashcards
Understand academic words in the context of a sentence. Where you see (2) there are two meanings. Notice the difference in these meanings by recalling BOTH usages.
We formulated an idea on how families function.
amount of
There were large amounts of tar in the lungs of someone who had smoked for over ten years.
The data were analysed using AI.
approach (3)
- Children’s charities have approached the government with a set of policy requests. 2. In October in the northern hemisphere, winter is approaching. 3. My GP is very approachable, so I feel comfortable asking any questions.
The assessors asked participants to answer questionnaires.
We assumed that everyone who answered the questionnaire would attempt to answer honestly.
We used authoritative sources such as NEJM.
There is a lot of data now available on the effect of social media on mental health in children.
We wanted to find if there was any measurable benefit
The assessors asked participants to answer questionnaires.
A key concept in healthcare is patient autonomy.
There is conclusive evidence that smoking causes cancer.
consistent (2)
- Parents need to be consistent with their children. 2. The results of this study are inconsistent.
constant (2)
- Patients are monitored constantly 2. The children had constant encouragement from their parents.
We investigated prescription of antibiotics in the context of community healthcare centres.
- During my presentation, I deviated from my prepared notes to answer a question from the audience. 2. In psychology, deviation from typical behavior can sometimes indicate a problem.
The family environment impacts a individual’s social growth.
Proofread your work to catch any spelling errors.
The effects of social media use on mental health is becoming more evident as more children report feelings of anxiety.
export something (2 meanings)
Japan exports a lot of cars. The data was exported from the spreadsheet.
An important FACTOR IN healthy social development is the home environment
The research focussed on how families function.
identify (2)
to mark something as being important. Eg. The researchers identified the cause of lung cancer. 2. Mr Patient identifies AS bisexual
money coming to an individual, company, organisation or country.
The results of the study were inconclusive, so we cannot make any recommendations.
individual (2 meanings)
- The sweets are wrapped individually
- This company helps individuals who need advice on their interview preparation.
interpret (2)
- I cannot speak Igbo, but my friend is bilingual in Igbo and English, so she will interpret for me on my trip to Nigeria. 2. Researchers interpret the meaning of the raw data.
The intervention included asking all members of the family to keep a diary.
One hundred patients were interviewed
involve (2 meanings)
- The CT scan of the tumour showed lymph node involvement. 2. The research involved collecting and analysing data from 400 families.
issue (3 meanings)
Smoking in public places is a controversial issue. 2. Slang ‘Mr Patient has issues with using his hearing aid’. 3. The government issued new guidance on smoking in public places.
labour (2)
- Mrs Patient WENT INTO labour and gave birth five hours later. 2. The UK labour force has shrunk post COVID and there are fewer people available to work.
illegal > Give 2 examples
An act is illegal if it violates criminal law. Theft is illegal. 2. an action that goes against accepted rules, eg. chess has many illegal moves.
A piece of law, often referred to as ‘Act’. The Children Act 1989 covers topics such as parental responsibility and local authority duties.
Smoking is a major cause of public health problems.
The steps used to complete a goal, eg. A recipe includes ingredients then the method to turn the ingredients into a dish, omelette
occur (2 patterns)
- While acne is often thought of as being a condition that occurs in adolescence, it often occurs in adulthood too. 2. Unfortunately, child abuse occurs in every society.
To find the percentage of eight out of ten, divide eight by ten then multiply by one hundred.
period 2 examples
- menstruation
A woman usually has one period a month during her fertile lifespan.
- A defined unit of time.
Children usually spend a period of each day at school or in education.
- a system of steps to achieve and effect.
- Growth is a very fast process in babies and a slower process in adults.
policy (2)
- An agreement such as for insurance. ‘You should read your insurance policy very carefully’
- The Labour Party has different policies on the family to the Conservative Party.
Patient autonomy is a core principle of healthcare.
proceed (2)
- We can proceed WITH treatment once the diagnosis is established.
- I sold my home and bought a new one with the proceeds.
process (2)
- My application to the medical licensing board is being PROcessed.
- Getting certified is a long process.
Good family relationships require hard work: they do not always happen naturally.
- Online REsearch was conducted into the relationship between social media use and mental health in children. 2. The professor reSEARCHED the impact of social media on children’s mental health.
Children respond to rewards more than punishment.
Parents have an important role to play in children’s upbringing
The conclusions section is often free to read on research websites.
The public health sector plays a critical role in promoting programmes that support early child development.
There is significant evidence linking smoking to a variety of chronic health conditions, including lung cancer and heart disease.
Children in different cultural contexts exhibit similar patterns of developmental milestones.
source (2)
- Families provide a source of support for the individual members. 2. Researchers must cite their sources.
Giving children specific instructions helps them know if they have completed the instruction or not
structure (2)
- A schedule provides structure for the day 2. Blood vessels are small structures
Child development theories focus on how children grow and change.
Vary (2)
- Different cultures vary in their approach to raising children. 2. A gene variant is change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene.