Academic Word List: Sublist 4 Flashcards
Type of word:
* Noun
* Verb
* 2 syllables (Ac-cess)
As a Noun (Access as a thing)
Access means the ability to get into or use something, like a building, computer, or information.
Example sentence:
You need a key to get access to the library.
As a Verb (Access as an action)
To access means to get into or use something, like opening a door or looking at information on a computer.
Example sentence:
I can access my email from my phone.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Ad-e-quate)
- Definition: Enough to meet the needs or requirements; satisfactory.
- Example sentence: The food was adequate, but we need more for the party.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 3 syllables (An-nu-al)
- Definition: Happening once every year.
- Example sentence: The annual sports day is held in March.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Ap-par-ent)
- Definition: Easy to see or understand; clear.
- Example sentence: It was apparent that she was upset after the test.
- Type of word: Verb
- Syllables: 5 syllables (Ap-prox-i-mat-ed)
- Definition: Estimated or nearly correct.
- Example sentence: The cost of the repairs was approximated at $200.
- Type of word: Noun (plural)
- Syllables: 3 syllables (At-ti-tudes)
- Definition: The way someone feels or thinks about something.
- Example sentence: People’s attitudes toward animals can vary greatly.
- Type of word: Verb
- Syllables: 4 syllables (At-trib-ut-ed)
- Definition: Said to be caused by or linked to someone or something.
- Example sentence: The success of the project was attributed to hard work.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Civ-il)
- Definition: Relating to citizens or polite behaviour.
- Example sentence: We should always be civil when talking to others.
- Type of word: Noun, Verb
- Syllables: 1 syllable (Code)
- Definition (noun): A system of rules or signals used to communicate.
Definition (verb): To write instructions for a computer. - Example sentence (noun): He needed a special code to unlock the door.
- Example sentence (verb): She can code websites in HTML.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Com-mit-ment)
- Definition: A promise to do something or a dedication to a task.
- Example sentence: She made a commitment to finish the project by next week.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 5 syllables (Com-mu-ni-ca-tion)
- Definition: The process of sharing information or ideas.
- Example sentence: Good communication is important in any relationship.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 4 syllables (Con-cen-tra-tion)
- Definition: The ability to focus on one thing without getting distracted.
- Example sentence: He needed full concentration to solve the puzzle.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Con-fer-ence)
- Definition: A meeting where people discuss important topics.
- Example sentence: The teachers are attending a conference on education.
- Type of word: Noun, Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Con-trast)
- Definition (noun): A difference between two things.
- Definition (verb): To compare two things to show their differences.
- Example sentence (noun): There is a sharp contrast between summer and winter.
- Example sentence (verb): We will contrast the two paintings in our class.
- Type of word: Noun, Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Cy-cle)
- Definition (noun): A series of events that repeat in a regular pattern.
- Definition (verb): To go through a series of repeated actions.
- Example sentence (noun): The water cycle shows how water moves around the Earth.
- Example sentence (verb): She cycles to school every day.
- Type of word: Noun, Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (De-bate)
- Definition (noun): A formal discussion of opposing ideas.
- Definition (verb): To discuss or argue about something.
- Example sentence (noun): The debate about the environment was very interesting.
- Example sentence (verb): We will debate the pros and cons of the idea in class.
- Type of word: Preposition
- Syllables: 2 syllables (De-spite)
- Definition: In spite of; even though.
- Example sentence: Despite the rain, we went for a walk.
- Type of word: Noun (plural)
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Di-men-sions)
- Definition: The size or measurements of something.
- Example sentence: The dimensions of the box are 30cm by 20cm.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Do-mes-tic)
- Definition: Relating to home or family.
- Example sentence: She enjoys domestic tasks like cooking and cleaning.
- Type of word: Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (E-merged)
- Definition: Came out or became visible after being hidden.
- Example sentence: The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Er-ror)
- Definition: A mistake or something wrong.
- Example sentence: I made an error in my homework.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Eth-nic)
- Definition: Relating to a particular group of people with shared traditions, language, or culture.
- Example sentence: The city is known for its ethnic diversity.
- Type of word: Noun (plural)
- Syllables: 1 syllable (Goals)
- Definition: Things you aim to achieve.
- Example sentence: His goals include becoming a doctor and helping people.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 4 syllables (Hy-po-thes-is)
- Definition: An idea or explanation that you test through study or experiment.
- Example sentence: The scientist made a hypothesis about the plant’s growth.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 5 syllables (Im-ple-men-ta-tion)
- Definition: The process of putting something into action or practice.
- Example sentence: The implementation of the new rules was smooth.
- Type of word: Noun (plural)
- Syllables: 4 syllables (Im-pli-ca-tions)
- Definition: The possible effects or consequences of something.
- Example sentence: The implications of this decision will be felt for years.
- Type of word: Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Im-posed)
- Definition: Forcing something on someone or putting rules in place.
- Example sentence: The teacher imposed a new rule about late homework.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 4 syllables (In-te-gra-tion)
- Definition: The process of combining or bringing things together.
- Example sentence: The integration of technology in the classroom is helpful.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 3 syllables (In-ter-nal)
- Definition: Inside something.
- Example sentence: The internal parts of the clock need to be cleaned.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 5 syllables (In-ves-ti-ga-tion)
- Definition: A careful study or search to discover facts or information.
- Example sentence: The police began an investigation into the crime.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 1 syllable (Job)
- Definition: A task or work that a person does to earn money.
- Example sentence: He got a new job as a teacher.
- Type of word: Noun, Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (La-bel)
- Definition (noun): A piece of paper or material that gives information about something.
Definition (verb): To attach a name or description to something. - Example sentence (noun): The label on the bottle says “orange juice.”
- Example sentence (verb): She will label the boxes with their contents.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 4 syllables (Mech-a-nism)
- Definition: A system or process that does a specific job.
- Example sentence: The clock has a small mechanism inside that makes it work.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Ob-vi-ous)
- Definition: Easy to see or understand; clear.
- Example sentence: It’s obvious that he is very good at drawing.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 5 syllables (Oc-cu-pa-tion-al)
- Definition: Relating to jobs or work.
- Example sentence: She has an occupational therapy degree.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Op-tion)
- Definition: A choice or alternative.
- Example sentence: You have the option to choose your favourite flavour of ice cream.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Out-put)
- Definition: The result of work, or what is produced.
- Example sentence: The factory’s output of toys is increasing.
- Type of word: Adjective, Adverb
- Syllables: 3 syllables (O-ver-all)
- Definition (adjective): Considering everything.
Definition (adverb): In general; taking everything into account. - Example sentence (adjective): Overall, the event was a success.
- Example sentence (adverb): Overall, he did very well on the exam.
- Type of word: Adjective, Noun, Verb
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Par-al-lel)
- Definition (adjective): Two lines or paths that are always the same distance apart and never meet.
Definition (noun): Something similar or comparable.
Definition (verb): To run alongside or be similar to something. - Example sentence (adjective): The two roads run parallel to each other.
- Example sentence (noun): There are many parallels between the two stories.
- Example sentence (verb): The rivers parallel each other as they flow through the valley.
- Type of word: Noun (plural)
- Syllables: 4 syllables (Pa-ram-e-ters)
- Definition: Limits or boundaries within which something works or operates.
- Example sentence: The teacher set clear parameters for the project.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 1 syllable (Phase)
- Definition: A particular stage in a process or event.
- Example sentence: The project will be completed in three phases.
- Type of word: Verb
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Pre-dict-ed)
- Definition: Said what will happen in the future based on information or knowledge.
- Example sentence: The weather forecast predicted rain for the weekend.
- Type of word: Noun, Adjective
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Prin-ci-pal)
- Definition (noun): The head of a school or organization.
Definition (adjective): Most important. - Example sentence (noun): The principal of the school gave a speech at the assembly.
- Example sentence (adjective): Her principal concern is the safety of the students.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Pri-or)
- Definition: Before something in time or order.
- Example sentence: I need to finish my homework prior to going outside.
- Type of word: Adjective, Noun
- Syllables: 4 syllables (Pro-fes-sion-al)
- Definition (adjective): Relating to a job that requires special training or skill.
Definition (noun): A person who does a job that requires special training or education. - Example sentence (adjective): He gave a professional presentation at the meeting.
- Example sentence (noun): She is a professional chef.
- Type of word: Noun, Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Pro-ject)
- Definition (noun): A planned task or work that needs to be done.
Definition (verb): To plan or show something in a certain way. - Example sentence (noun): Our class project is about the solar system.
- Example sentence (verb): He will project his voice during the play.
- Type of word: Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Pro-mote)
- Definition: To encourage or support something to become more popular or successful.
- Example sentence: The company will promote the new product next month.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Re-gime)
- Definition: A system or government, especially one that is strict or controls everything.
- Example sentence: The country is ruled by a strict regime.
- Type of word: Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Rant-ed)
- Definition: Spoke or complained loudly and angrily.
- Example sentence: He ranted about the unfair rules for an hour.
- Type of word: Adverb
- Syllables: 1 syllable (Hence)
- Definition: For this reason or because of that.
- Example sentence: She was late, hence she missed the bus.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 4 syllables (Re-so-lu-tion)
- Definition: A firm decision or a solution to a problem.
- Example sentence: My New Year’s resolution is to read more books.
- Type of word: Verb
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Re-tained)
- Definition: Kept or remembered something.
- Example sentence: He retained all the information from the meeting.
- Type of word: Noun (plural)
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Se-ries)
- Definition: A group of things or events that happen in a particular order.
- Example sentence: She watched the whole series of movies over the weekend.
- Type of word: Noun (plural)
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Sta-tis-tics)
- Definition: Information or numbers used to understand or analyse something.
- Example sentence: The statistics show that more people prefer online shopping.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 2 syllables (Sta-tus)
- Definition: The position or condition of something or someone.
- Example sentence: His status in the company improved after his promotion.
- Type of word: Noun, Verb
- Syllables: 1 syllable (Stress)
- Definition (noun): A feeling of worry or pressure.
Definition (verb): To worry about something or emphasise something. - Example sentence (noun): She felt a lot of stress before the exam.
- Example sentence (verb): The teacher will stress the importance of studying.
- Type of word: Adjective
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Sub-se-quent)
- Definition: Happening after something else.
- Example sentence: The subsequent event was even more exciting than the first.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 1 syllable (Sum)
- Definition: The total amount when things are added together.
- Example sentence: The sum of 2 and 3 is 5.
- Type of word: Noun
- Syllables: 3 syllables (Sum-ma-ry)
- Definition: A short statement that explains the main points.
- Example sentence: The teacher asked for a summary of the story.
- Type of word: Verb
- Syllables: 4 syllables (Un-der-tak-en)
- Definition: Started or agreed to do something.
- Example sentence: She has undertaken to finish the project by next week.