Academic Vocabulary 4 Flashcards
Şaşırtmak (suprise, astound)
His strange (garip tuhaf) behavior ( davranış tutum) ….ed me
Break out
Çıkmak (erupt)
When the car …. …., thousand of people were displaced (yerinden çıkarmak, yerinden etmek)
Collide (with)
Çarpışmak (crash into, hit)
The car ….d with a lorry in front of the theater
Conform (to/ with)
Uymak (obey, comply with, agree with)
You must …. …. the standards
İkna etmek, inandırmak (persuade)
He ….d everyone that he was innocent (masum)
He ….d me of his innocence
He ….d his gf to marry him
Farklılık göstermek (vary)
The two systems …. markedly (önemli derecede)
Geliştirmek, artırmak (improve, add to, boost)
She uses a lot of make-up to …. her beauty
His achievement (başarı) has ….d his reputation (ün, itibar)
Toplamak, bir araya getirmek (collect, bring together)
He ….ed a lot of data in a short time
İyileş(tir)mek (cure, well)
His wound (yara) ….ed nicely
Time ….ed all ills
İnfer (from)
…den sonuş çıkarmak (conclude, deduce)
We can …. …. the text that the author disagrees with the theory
Haklı kılmak, haklı göstermek (give reason for rationalize (rasyonelleştirmek akla uygun hale getirmek)
The judge (hakim) said that Bill’s refusal to admit his guilt ….ied a sentence toward the high end of the range available to him