AC2.1 Biological theories of criminality Flashcards
what are all the biological theories of crime?
physiological & genetics
what are the physiological theories
atavism- lombroso
somatotypes- sheldon
neurochemistry- scerbo & raine
what the genetic theories
xxy theory- jacob et al
adoption studies- mednick
twin studies- christiansen
atavism by lombroso (physiological)
-‘born criminal’/atavism
-throw back to an earlier species of primitive humans
-identified by large jaw, ears, very long arms
-reduced pain sensitivity
-pre social, unable to control impulses
lombroso’s research
-years recording details of the heads/faces of thousands of prisoners
-measurements/sketches/ photos
-concluded 40% of criminala cts could be accounted for by atavistic characteristics
somatotypes by sheldon (physiological)
endo: fat/soft = more sociable & relaxed
ecto: thin/fragile = introverted & restrained
meso: muscular/hard = more aggressive & adventurous
what did sheldon say about mesomorphs?
violent/aggressive acts- more likely to be committed they’re attracted to risk-taking
their imposing physique and assertiveness comes in useful.
sheldon’s research
sample of photos of college students
delinquents rated on a scale of 1-7 in terms of resemblance to mesomorphy
delinquents had higher scores for mesomorphy
lombroso strengths
credited for establishing criminology as a science
challenges views that criminals choose criminality
initiated offender profilling
lombroso weaknesses
racial discrimination- features described can be attributed to african descent
sutides focused on the 1 group, so no comparison
sheldon strengths
found correlation between body types & criminality- supported in studies as studies show criminals are often more physically fit/agressive
introduced bio factors in explaining behaviour rather than relying on social/psychological
sheldon weaknesses
doesn’t factor body type changes from child-adulthood
ignored endo/ecto criminals
neurochemistry by scerbo and raine (physiological)
body changes can lead to brain changes
such can lead to agression/involuntary movements
steroid misuse may contribute to higher aggression levels ‘roid rage’
what did scerbo and raine’s study find
control of diet can lead to higher serotonin and better behaviour
scerbo & raine strengths
many of the clinical trials are led by medical practitioners & peer reviewed
self-eval of steroid users report higher aggression levels (Dobash)
studies confirm low serotonin can lead to aggression