AC FOM Flashcards
When do you normally Start the APU before departure
15 mins prior to pushback
3 types of terrain clearance listed on the flightplan and min clearance alt
- Weight limited - ENRTE ALT 16400 ISA TEMP P14C MTOW LIMITED 080.7
Each gives 1000’ terrain clerance
What triggering event(s) does terrain clearance factor in?
Terrain clearance check only examines engine-out driftdown scenarios and does not factor in a decompression event
Can a flight be dispatched to a destination without a valid taf for arrival? Requirements?
- The OFP shows a valid TAF for the selected alternates (need 2) and
- There are no known factors precluding a safe landing at the destination.
OFP revision?
If there is a delay of two hours or more to the original departure time, Flight Dispatch shall assess the conditions of the OFP and revise the OFP and refile if required.
A new OFP shall also be issued if operational conditions warrant
If changes to the fuel are made by the captain from the original OFP, what report shall be filed?
Voyage Report
What is protected and unprotected fuel?
Protected Fuel: Fuel amount planned to be available over a specific point. As such, the amount of fuel needed to carry the protected fuel is added to the BURN to ensure that the full amount of protected fuel is available at the required point. The following Fuels are always protected: SCANERS
Un-protected Fuel: Fuel boarded with the assumption that some of it will be consumed en route as a result of carrying its own weight
What are addition fuels
ATC and WX
What cost index is alt fuel based on and when does it begin and end?
CI - 0
From the threshold of the planned landing runway at the destination airport to the planned landing runway of the alternate airport via the published SID, enroute, and STAR routing. The vertical profile including the missed approach is considered in calculating fuel requirements
When can cont fuel be used
CONT may be used any time after pushback due to unforeseen delays, however, the flight shall not take-off with less than CONT 5 MIN
What is SDTO fuel
Standard Diversion Time Operations
SDTO fuel is boarded when fuel is needed to ensure the planned flight fuel for SDTO route segment(s) is sufficient to:
• Allow for a descent at any point along the route to the lower of the one-engine-inoperative service ceiling or 10,000 feet ASL, and
• Cruise at the one-engine-inoperative service ceiling or 10,000 feet ASL to an adequate airport
◦ conduct an approach and missed approach, and
◦ hold for 30 minutes at an altitude of 1,500 feet above the airport elevation.
What is NAIFR SAP? How much? How is it calculated and when can it be burned?
NAIFR SAP is 12 minutes of fuel, calculated using the estimated landing weight at 1,500 feet ASL in ISA conditions.
Although NAIFR SAP may be consumed for purposes other than those planned for after take-off, Flight Dispatchers and the Pilot-in-Command shall not plan to burn into this fuel during flight planning
What is Supplementary Fuel (SUPP)
Supplementary Fuel is an incremental amount of fuel to ensure that a planned minimum amount of fuel is available over destination
Min fuel for pushback and take off
PB - block - If it is not possible to contact Dispatch in a timely manner, commencing pushback without Extra fuels and a portion of Additional fuels is permitted provided the Pilot-in-Command is satisfied that the remaining fuel is sufficient for the flight
U.S take off Alt weather requirements (when does wx need to meet min)?
For U.S. departures requiring take-off alternates the ceiling and visibility at the take-off alternate airport shall meet the requirements at departure time as well as the ETA
T/O Alt distance
Alt wx, TEMPO, INTER, PROB and PROB 30 (or 40)
The forecast TEMPO or INTER condition shall not be below the published alternate minima requirements for that aerodrome
PROB condition shall not be below the appropriate landing minima
Prob 30 (or 40) TEMPO may be disregarded during flight planning
NAIFR Times and areas of ops
Flights up to six hours:
i. the take-off aerodrome shall be situated within North America, the Caribbean islands, or Bermuda;
ii. the aerodrome of intended landing shall be situated within North America.
b. Flights from six hours to eight hours:
i. the take-off aerodrome and aerodrome of intended landing shall be situated within North America;
ii. between four and six hours from the aerodrome of intended landing, the PIC shall obtain confirmation from Flight Dispatch that the conditions at the aerodrome of intended landing are still acceptable.
c. Within 6 hours of a scheduled destination in Canada, the PIC may re-file “No Alternate IFR” regardless of the location of the departure aerodrome.
Warning - Maintenance in Progress Card
- If power is off the aircraft and the Warning - Maintenance in Progress Card is over the thrust lever quadrant no part of any flight deck control shall be touched prior to speaking to the Maintenance person listed on the tag or a Maintenance Supervisor; or
- If power is on the aircraft and a Warning - Maintenance in Progress Card is over the thrust lever quadrant the Flight Crew may proceed with checks as long as:
a. No hydraulic systems are turned on or actuated; and
b. No engines (including APU) are started or motored; and
c. No flight control systems are turned on or actuated; and
d. No fuel systems are turned on.
Defect prior to and after pushback? Who do you talk to?
If a defect occurs prior to pushback it should be deferred under MEL, if this occurs at a station where local maintenance is provided they may be contacted to conduct the required maintenance action.
After pushback is commenced, all communication with Maintenance shall be with MOC through Flight Dispatch. Direct communication with station maintenance regarding malfunctions or abnormals after pushback or in flight is not permitted
What is a “Temporary Correction Notification” (TCN)
used by MOC when there has been a discovery of an error (minor or editorial) in a particular MEL item as shown in the current document that will be corrected at the next revision cycle.
Required AC documentation
Aircraft Journey Log; and
Aircraft Defect Log; and
Aircraft Documents Pouch; and
On-Board Library; and
Cabin Defect Log (Passenger Aircraft only)
Documents pouch contents and min required to depart
Certificate of Airworthiness (REQUIRED); and
Certificate of Registration (REQUIRED) and
Aircraft Radio License; and
Certificate of Noise Compliance is included in all Certificate of Airworthiness issued after May 1992.
Minimum Cabin Crew Complement
319/320 - 3
321 - 4
1 in 50 in the case of crew incapacitation on layover (not allowed on 321)
Hold or No Hold for Product or Service Items
If In Flight reports a missing product or service item to the Flight Crew, the Flight Crew shall advise STOC of the missing item and follow STOCs direction regarding whether the flight should hold or not for the missing item.
Tire Wear Guidelines
At through stations during short turnarounds, or at stations where Maintenance is not available, it is permissible to dispatch an aircraft with one or more tires having zero groove depth in the center groove(s) or with no more than a total of three linear inches of reinforcing fabric exposed per tire.
Aircraft Skin Damage Inspection
Any reported skin damage, including engine cowlings, that upon inspection still meets the requirements for airworthiness can have its repair deferred after the damage is recorded in the Aircraft Defect Log.
Maintenance shall affix a Bump Inspected Now GO (BINGO) decal adjacent to each recorded defect that may be discovered again during line operations. The BINGO decal will be placed near the damaged area and identifies the applicable defect number
Oblique angle intersection take-offs
An intersection angled to the runway such that it prohibits the flight crew from seeing the approach end is referred to as an oblique angle intersection. Oblique angle intersection take-offs should not be planned or accepted unless no practical alternative exists
NO GO Message
A “FOM 8_2 NOGO MTC INCOMPLETE” ACARS message is an alert sent approximately 20 minutes prior to scheduled departure time in order to ensure that an aircraft does not depart prior to the completion of any required maintenance work or action.
MOC or Maintenance Planning will send a “NOGO WORK COMPLETE” message to the aircraft and the controlling flight dispatcher to advise when the maintenance event is complete. Only once this message is received can the flight depart.