ac 1.1 Flashcards
analyse types of crime
what is white collar crime?
white collar crime is the non violent crime committed by upper/middle class professionals usually motivated by money
what is an example of white collar crime?
-tax evasion
-ponzi schemes
-money laundering
what is honour crime?
honour crime is the crime usually towards a woman or young girl that happens due to a disrespect in the families ‘honour’
what are some examples of honour crime?
-honour killing
-forced marriages
-violent threats to kill or greatly harm them for this reason
-acid attacks
what is a hate crime?
a hate crime is a crime committed towards a person directly or indirectly due to prejudice of race sexuality etc
what are some examples of hate crime?
-physical attacks
-harassment or stalking
-verbal abuse and shouting profanities
what is organised crime?
Organised crime is a category of transnational, national, or local group of enterprises that run to engage in illegal activity, usually motivated by profit.
what are some examples of organised crime?
-human trafficking
-drug dealing
-armed robberies
what is corporate crime?
corporate crime is crime that are committed by businesses or by people on behalf f businesses for money
what are some examples of corporate crime?
-paperwork and non compliance
-environmental crimes
-manufacturing offences
-labour law violations
-unfair trade practices
-financial offences
what is a moral crime?
a moral crime is a crime that goes against society’s morals, usually referred to as victimless crimes as they do not have a clear victim/or the victim and offender are the same person
what are some examples of moral crimes?
-underaged drinking
-smoking weed
what are some case studies for white collar crime
bernie madoff
varsity blues scandal
harold shipman
what are some case studies for hate crime?
Stephen Lawrence
what are some case studies for corporate crime?
thalidomide case
bhopal disaster
what are some case studies for organised crime?
the mafia
the kray twins
what are some case studies for honour crime?
banaz Mahmod
shafilea ahmed
what does criminal mean?
something/someone who breaks the law
what does deviant mean?
something/someone who goes agains what society deems as acceptable behaviour
what is a technological crime?
a technological crime is a crime that is committed through the use of technology
what are some examples of technological crimes?
-identity fraud
-hate mail
what is a state crime?
a state crime is a crime committed by the state/government
what are some examples of state crimes?
-war crimes
-political crimes
-crimes by security and police
what are some case studies of state crime?
Russias invasion on ukraine
what is domestic abuse?
domestic abuse is the action of gaining power over a partner or relationship
what are some examples of domestic abuse?
-physical abuse
-emotional/psychological abuse
-controlling behaviour
-sexual abuse(coercion or rape)
-financial abuse
what is a case study of domestic abuse?
Rhianna and Chris brown