Abuse of human rights Flashcards
What did the Helsinki Accords (1975) commit the USSR to guarantee?
Freedom of speech, protest and movement
What did the Soviet leadership calculate?
That they could contain the human rights issues within the Eastern Bloc
What did the Helsinki Accords encourage?
Russian and East European dissidents to condemn human rights abuses in the Soviet Bloc
Which groups were established to monitor Soviet compliance with the Helsinki Accords?
Helsinki Watch committees
Charter 77
What did the Helsinki agreement on human rights give the West?
A powerful ideological and moral weapon to use against communism
Why did communist leaders largely ignore the Helsinki human rights provisions?
They feared that greater freedom would undermine Marxist-Leninism and the Soviet Bloc
What happened to Soviet and East European dissidents?
Imprisoned, harassed or exiled
Sent to labour camps
Declared insane, drugged and confined to mental institutions
What were many Soviet Jews (known as refuseniks) denied the rights to do?
Emigrate to Israel of the USA