Absorption Lecture 4 Flashcards
Factors affecting drug absorption in the GIT include
- GIT motility
- Gastric emptying time
- Intestinal motility
- GI Blood flow
- Effect of food
Drug absorption may be affected by any disease that causes changes in:
- Intestinal blood flow
- GI motility
- Gastric emptying time
- Gastric pH (drug solubility)
- Intestine pH (extent of drug ionization
- Permeability of gut wall
- Bile secretion (enterohepatic circulation)
- Digestive enzyme secretion (break down of drug)
- GI flora (GI transit time)
Drugs that affect Absorption of other Drugs
- Anticholinergic drugs, TCA & phenothiazines
- Metoclopramide
- Antacids
- Proton pump inhibitors
- Cholestyramine
Nutrients that Affect Absorption of other Drugs
- Vitamin D : enhances calcium absoprtion in the duodenum
- Grapefruit Juice ( increase bioavaibility because it inhibits metabolism of most drugs)
Effects of Parkinson’s Disease (advanced stage) on drug absorption
- Difficulty swallowing
- greatly dimisinished GI motility
Patients on :
tricyclic antidepressants ( imiprimine, amitriptyline and notrityline) + antipshycotic drugs ( phenothiazines)
- Reduced Gi motility or even intestinal obstructions.
- May cause slower perstalsis in the GIT
- Slower stomach emptying
- Delays in Drug absoprtion with slow release products
Acholorhydric Patients on drug absorption
- May not have adequate production of acids in the stomach → stomach HCl is essential for solubilizing insoluble free bases.
- Many weak base drugs that cannot form soluable salts will remain undissolved in the stomach when there is no HCl acid present so they cant be absorbed → salt forms cannot be prepared
- Drugs that are affected : Dapsone, itrconazole, and ketoconazole
- Can coadminister with OJ, colas, or acidic soda to facilitate the absorption of meds that require acidic environment.
HIV-AIDS patients
- Decresded gastric transit time, diarrhea, and achlorhydria.
- Indinavir ( LTI ) requires a normal acidic environment or absoprtion. →optimal serum concentrations are critical
CHF patients with persistent edema
- reduced splachnic blood flow and develop edema in the bowel wall
- Intestinal motility is slowed
- Drug Absorption is decreased
- Ex. Lasix has erratic and reduced oral absoprtion in patients with CHF
Crohn’s disease ( inflammatory disease of the distal small intestine and colon)
unpredictable effect on drug absorption ( may be due to reduced SA and thicker gut wall for diffusion)
Celiac disease ( inflammatory diseas affecting proximal small intestine)
- Increased rate of stomach emptying + increased permeability of the small intestine.
- Keflex absorption is increased in celiac disease
Anticholinergic drugs
- Reduce stomach acid secretion
- ex. Propantheline bromide slows stomach emptying and motility of the small intesine.
- Cause delay in drug absoprtion.
Antacids effect on other drugs
- Cimetidine : antacids reduce drug absoprtion
- Al,Ca, or Mg Antacids may complex ( chelate) with tetracycline, quinolones, and indinacir → decrease in drug absorption.
- Antacids should be taken 2 hrs before or 6 hrs after drug administration.