Abraham Flashcards
Where did Abraham live
In ur
What was Abraham’s wife called ?
Why did he leave ur ?
Because he believed there was one true God that had told him to leave and find a new land.
What did God promise Abraham?
To show hi land
To take care of him
To give him a big family
Where and how long did Abraham and his family live after ur ?
The lived in Haran for 5 years
Where did they then move to after haran?
What was the issue when they got to Canaan?
They still had no son
What did God say when Abraham looked up into the stars?
That he would have a som , Abraham believe God which showed he trusted him.
How long after that did they have a baby boy?
One year
What was their son called ?
What religion is Abraham from?
Judaism , he was the father of the Jews
How long ago did Abraham live?
About 4000 years ago
What are his two sons called?
Isaac and ishamael
What religion were the people in ur?
What qualities did Abraham have?
What is the Jewish holy day called?
The sabbath
What is the symbol of Judaism?
The star of Davis
Why/ what is their special diet?
They don’t eat park or shellfish because of their believes
What happened between Isaac and Abraham when he tried to sacrifice him?
Abraham went up to the land of Moriah and Isaac asked where the sacrifice was. Abraham said that god will send it which was clever as god sent Isaac. When Abraham was about to kill Isaac, god told him to stop as he knew he had faith and sent a ram for the sacrifice!