About The Author Flashcards
In what suburb/city was Ernest born and raised?
Oak Park/Chicago, Illinois
In what area was his mother talented? She could have likely made a career out of it.
When Ernest graduated from high school, he didn’t go to college; instead, he became a newspaper reporter for six months in what city?
Kansas City (for the Kansas City Star)
In what country did Ernest serve as an ambulance driver during World War One?
With whom did Hemingway fall in love while recovering from his injury during World War One?
Hemingway’s love affair with his nurse in World War One served as the inspiration for what novel?
Farewell to Arms
What was the first name of Hemingway’s first wife with whom he had much in common?
After marrying his first wife, where did they move within a year, a city that he came to view as “a moveable feast”?
What was the name of Hemingway’s first son, born during a period that seemed to be one of the happiest of his life even though he was poor?
Jack, nicknamed Bumby
In addition to cafes, what famous bookstore did Hemingway frequent where he met other young authors?
Shakespeare and Company
What name was given to the group of authors and artists living in Europe after World War One, often confused and searching for meaning in life?
Lost Generation
What author who wrote Great Gatsby became a friend of Hemingway?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
What author/friend of Hemingway became famous for using a style known as stream-of-consciousness, exemplified in his novels Ulysses and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man?
James Joyce
Who was the owner of the bookstore that helped Hemingway and some of his fellow authors with publishing advice and assistance?
Sylvia Beach
What art and literary critic was a mentor and patron of Hemingway and may have originated the term “Lost Generation”?
Gertrude Stein
What was the first name of Hemingway’s second wife, a writer for Vogue magazine and a model?
Where did Hemingway and his second wife live for over a decade with six-toed cats, a large swimming pool, and a hangout called Sloppy Joe’s?
Key West, Florida
While living with his second wife, Hemingway’s routine would be to write in the morning and hang out at Sloppy Joe’s in the evening. What would he often do in the afternoon?
Go fishing
What was Hemngway’s third wife, a fellow reporter with a critical viewpoint?
Hemingway’s ons-ite reporting of the Spanish Civil War inspired him to write what novel?
For Whom the Bell Tolls
What was Hemingway’s first successful novel, a story about the European travels and adventures of young men trying to figure out life after World War One?
The Sun Also Rises
While traveling in Spain, Hemingway became interested in what gruesome sport/activity?
Hemingway was in Paris ahead of the Allied troops at the end of World War Two, leaving a note for them about where to find wine and cheese. He signed the note with what nickname that everyone would recognize?
What is the Hemingway curse that affected many members of his family and Hemingway himself?
What was the name of Hemingway’s fourth wife who remained supportive and protective of him and his legacy?
Where did Hemingway live during World War Two when he served as a submarine scout for the US military?
In what state did Hemingway live at the time of his death? He is buried there, removed from the public eye.
Hemingway converted to what religion when he married his second wife?
What term describes the protagonist of many of Hemingway’s stories, a man of honor, courage, and endurance?
Code Hero