About Ekg Flashcards
What do EKG waveforms represent?
These waveforms represent impulses that cause the myocardium to contract and relax.
What does an EKG record?
The electrocardiogram is a valuable diagnostic tool. It records the electrical activity of the heart as waveforms.
What is the significance of comparing EKG to old EKG ?
Whenever possible compare an old ECG tracing to your current ECG tracing, and look for changes.
Can an EKG stand on its own merit?
As with any diagnostic test, an ECG does not stand alone. So, obtain a complete history and view results in light of history and physical exam.
Is an EKG 100% sensitive?
The ECG is not 100% specific or sensitive.
What information does the EKG provide.
Name 6
Information provided by the ECG
Rhythm/rhythm disturbances Conduction abnormalities Electrolyte disturbances Medication/drug effects Chamber enlargement Ischemia Mass of cardiac muscle Orientation of heart in the chest
Why are EKG electrodes placed in different locations?
Because the heart radiates electrical activity in all directions to the skin, we place electrodes in different locations to get a complete picture of the heart’s electrical activity.
Leads provide a view of the heart’s electrical activity between ___________ .
two points.
Each lead has a ____________.
Each lead has a negative and positive pole.