Abortion and Reproductive Rights Flashcards
what was the ratio in - St Goerge Healthcare Trust [1998]
If P has mental capacity their autonomy must be respected regardless of the impact on the foetus
What was held in - St Goerge Healthcare Trust [1998]
as P had capacity forcing her to have a C section against her wishes regardless it may result in the foetus death was a violation
what was the ratio in - R (on the application of SPUC)
There is a legal distinction between plan B and an abortion
Can medical treatment be forced on someone with capacity under any circumstances?
what was held in - Paton [1971]
As a foetus doesn’t yet have a ‘seperate existence from its mother’, abortion doesn’t violation ECHR art 2 (right to life)
when does a foetus develop rights at law
at the point of ‘seperate existence from its mother’ (Paton 1971)
what was the ratio in - A, B and C v Ireland (2011)
ECHR art 8 (right to privacy and family life) imposes no right to abortion just a right to seek an abortion
what was held in - A, B and C v Ireland (2011)
although all three applicants had the right to seek abortion it did not violate ECHR art 8 (right to privacy and family life) to refuse 2/3 applicants on the basis there condition was not severe enough as there is no right to receive an abortion
is there a right to receive an abortion in UK law?
no, only the right to seek an abortion (A, B and C v Ireland 2011)
what was held in - Paton 1980
although it is a violation of a mans ECHR art 8 (right to family) to force him to become a father against his wishes, it would be a more significant violation of the mother of the unborn Childs ECHR art 8 right to force her to have an abortion thus revoking her autonomy
what was held in - Evans v The UK
was a violation of the mans art 8, right to family and privacy, to use his sperm without his consent outweighed the violation of the woman’s ECHR art 8 right even though this was her last chance to have children
OAPA 1861
offence against the person act 1967
OAPA s58
unlawful to procure your own miscarriage
OAPA s59
Unlawful to assist anyone to procure their own miscarriage
AA 1967
Abortion ACT
AA s1(1)(a)
s58 and s59 defence if the abortion is performed by a ‘registered medical practitioner’ on a foetus of up to 24 weeks and the pregnancy is deemed to be a ‘greater risk’ to the mother than if it was to continue