abortion Flashcards
why is abortion a contervisal issue
-some christians believe life begins at contraception =murder
-some people believe its ok because its not living out side so its ok to do abortion
-non religious people believe that a woman should’ve have choice of her body and removing baby is like removing a tomour
-some people believe that time should be reduced to 18-20 weeks as it can live outside womb
-religious people believe that baby has the right to decide wether it gets killed
what is abortion
-the removal of a foetus before it can survive
what is viability
-when a baby can live outside the uterus
what is conception
-when a male sperm and female ovum meet and combine
what is contraception
-intentionally preventing pregnancy from occurring
what does a doctor have to agree to for a abortion to happen
-mothers life at risk
-baby might be handicapped badly
-risk of mothers mental health / physical health
risk of mental health or physical health for other children
what are the different christian attitudes toward abortion
- believe all abortion is wrong
- life begins at conception
what are the reason that catholics disagree with abortion
- life is holy and and belongs to god only god has the right to end the pregnancy
- life begins at conception as since then a foetus needs warmth and food etc so therefore its taking a life
- ten commandments -tho shall not kill
- every person has natural ‘right to life’ . A foetus is a human being and abortion destroys the right to life
- church points to evidence that women who have abortion can suffer trauma and mental health issues from the guilt
- adoption is better leads to joy in family life
when is abortion allowed for catholics
- if the mother is seriously ill and the treatment will kill the baby (not intentionally)
- double doctrine
- 1st effect save mother -2nd effect end of life of foetus
what are all the evengical protestants beliefs
- abortion is wrong in all circumstances even by the double doctrine
arguments for abortion ?
- options differ when life begins
-every has the right to be wanted . Abortion saves the child being unwanted