Aboriginal Spirituality Flashcards


Importance of land in AP

  • is of great importance = because of its r/s w/ Dreaming
  • two are inextricably linked = AP understand land = key role in sustaining r/s w/ ancestral beings, who continue to
    dwell within
  • these ancestral beings = held responsible for creation of land + stories + expressions of Dreaming - hence identity for AP
  • is the physical medium through which the Dreaming is lived + communicated
  • land provides foundation for Ab beliefs, traditions, rituals + laws
  • is the Dreaming that provides AP w/ purpose + meaning = allowing them to cultivate their spirituality
  • Ancestral Beings continue to dwell within land because of stewardship of previous gens
  • AP recognise + seek to fulfil their obligations to land for the continuity of the life-sustaining Dreaming for future gens
  • see themselves as custodians of the land, with a duty to nurture + protect species + totems which live in/off it
  • land is central to ceremonial life = perform rituals on sacred sites (sig) e.g. Male Initiation Rites, Burial ceremonies = integral for transition = needs land
  • kinship: protection/ custodianship of land becomes an integral part of life of each indiv + culture of tribe as a whole = sense of identity/ belonging
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Discuss the continuing effect of dispossession on Aboriginal spiritualities in relation to:
- separation from kinship groups

  • link b/w AP + land can be seen through stewardship of
    land, expressed through roles + responsibilities gifted through kinship system
  • The systematic, forcible removal of (A) children from their families over a no. of gens, a phenomenon named ‘the Stolen Generation’, had sig ramifications not
    only for family groups but the wider network of r/s expressed through the kinship system
  • ultimately led to the breakdown of kinship relations, roles + responsibilities arising from that system
  • ritual roles associated w/ kinship system were affected, resulting in a wider sense of loss in (A) spiritualities
  • These include: inability to pass on stories, perform ritual, maintain totems + sacred sites resulting in loss of sig components of (A) spiritualities for many groups
  • As a result, SFKG = profound component in breakdown of (A) spiritualities for many (A) Australians
  • Unable to practice balance rituals
  • Loss of language - also severely restricted: over 500 language groups prior to Euro settlement
  • culture = relies heavily on oral tradition: many stories have died out completely = not any people left to speak language
  • AP lost sense of identity + belonging, not only to land, but also to each other
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Importance of Land Rights movement for (A) spiritualities

  • land is central to the expression of Dreaming = provides basis of ritual, totem + identity
  • Disconnection from land through gens of removal has seen a gen of ppl w/ a loss of cultural identity, heritage + physical land
  • Land Rights movement recognises inextricable connection b/w and + Dreaming + aims to restore the spiritual + physical r/s w/ the land
  • is a religious + political movt of AP to secure rights to their land + ensure continuation of their spiritualities = inextricably connected to the land
  • Important in helping AP re-establish spiritual links w/ land which were lost as a result of Euro settlement
  • Native title = legal term recognising rights of ATSI to occupy their lands for trad purposes.
  • Mabo Case (1992), Native Title Act (1993) + Wik
    Decision (1996) all contributed to re-establishing in law the connection + access AP had w/ the land
  • By supporting the work of the LRM, AP have access to legal + political rights + may fulfil their cultural responsibilities = in turn strengthens their connection to Dreaming
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Importance of Land Rights movement (cases) for (A) spiritualities

  • Native Title, Mabo and Wik = highly sig for LRM = help to recognise inextricable connection b/w land + expressions of Dreaming
  • Native Title = legal term recognising the rights of AP to use + occupy their lands for trad purposes = providing a continued connection w/ land
  • therefore Native Title = important role in helping AP strengthen connection w/ Dreaming
  • Mabo Case (1992) (took Q govt to court) overturned notion of ‘Terra Nullius’ = very sig as the first legal recognition for LRM = recognising AP ownernship + custodianship + settlement of the land = progressed LRM
  • In 1993, the Native Title Act + subsequent
    amendments (1997) stated Native Title + leasehold rights could coexist, giving leaseholders ‘priority’ –> although clarification of the Act, the LRM sees this as an area
    for further negotiation as need requirements e.g. proof of ass = restricted ability to claim land (as mainly an oral trad) = impacting progression
  • Native Title Act continues to be reviewed in relation to its perceived ‘shortcomings’ + this has assisted objs of the movt with Wik dec…
  • Wik Decision (1996) focused on trad ppl + connection to land + coexistence, reiterating importance of Native Title
  • IP = now members of the bodies created + possess legal authority to manage land rights claims
  • Each contributed to re-establishing in law the connection + access AP had with the land, recognising importance of AP in the decision-making process, = highlighting their (sig) for the LRM
  • shortcomings: all of these cases only applied to those who could prove a continuing trad connection to the land
  • seen sig steps forward –> although important = still much to be achieved
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continuing effect of dispossession on (A) spirituality

  • Dispossession = forced removal of AP from their land, security, way of life + culture as a result of ‘white’ colonisation + development of Assimilation policy (1951)
  • As Dreaming = inextricably connected to land, the loss of land as a result of dispossession led to a loss of identity, community + ability to fulfil ritual responsibilities
  • had a devastating effect on their sense of identity + community as it restricted their mobility + access to sacred sites = limiting ability to perform trad ceremonies/ rituals e.g. male initiation rites, severed connect to land
  • Totemic obligations = no longer be fulfilled + links to ancestor spirits were broken
  • As a result of this isolation + disconnection, many today suffer from increased psychological illness + distress e.g. depression, anxiety, suicide, PTSD
  • loss of kinship groups as a result of dispossession resulted in separation of AP from their fam + loss of language (continuing effect) = severing way Dreaming + (A) spirituality is passed on = leaving existential qus e.g. “Who am I?” unanswered
  • Assimilation Policy resulted in development of Stolen Gen = saw removal of a gen from lineage of cultural transmission meaning their children didn’t receive their cultural heritage.
  • kinship ties broken = elders who had sacred knowledge = unable to pass on, resulting in inability of new gens to connect w/ their (A) spirituality
  • while some AP = tried to re-establish connection w/ land
    through Native Title claims many AP today = unable to connect w/ their spirituality resorted to artificial ways e.g. alcohol etc
  • this lack of community pushed IA to look for support elsewhere, leading many to substance abuse + alcoholism = continuing detrimental impacts of dispossession still evident today
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Importance of the Dreaming for the LRM

  • Dreaming as a source of the land, the people + the Law that binds AP to each other.
  • Dreaming-based Law = source of people’s knowledge of kinship connections to specific country
  • Dreaming is therefore essential to the LRM including Native Title
  • Effects of the LRM, including recognition of Native Title,
    on the Dreaming: provides examples of rebuilding within kinship groups, reactivation of family oral traditions + Dreaming-based ceremonies, celebration of recognition
    of LR through drama, dance, literature, visual arts + song
  • AP have a way to return to the land that is supported by legislation
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Importance of the Dreaming for the LRM

  • Dreaming as a source of the land, the people + the Law that binds AP to each other
  • Land = inextricably tied to one’s identity + Dreaming
  • Dreaming-based Law = source of people’s knowledge of kinship connections to specific country
  • Dreaming is therefore essential to the LRM including Native Title
  • Effects of the LRM, including recognition of Native Title, on Dreaming: provides examples of rebuilding within kinship groups, reactivation of family oral traditions + Dreaming-based ceremonies, celebration of recognition
    of LR through drama, dance, literature, visual arts + song
  • AP have a way to return to the land that is supported by legislation
  • LRM meant there was a legal process in place = enabled some IA to claim native title thus connecting w/ land
  • land is a resting place for ancestral spirit beings =
  • having a connection w/ land allows AP to fuflfil their totemic responsibilities
  • sacred sites = imperative to dreaming = native titles could be claimed on sacred sites = aids connection to dreaming + ceremonial life
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