aboriginal geography test Flashcards
what are the aboriginal and Torres Strait islander origins?
It is believed that they are of Melanesian origin. Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people have lived on this country, Australia, for over 60 000 years making them the oldest, continuous culture in the world.
what does living sustainably mean?
to look after what you have, not waste it - you only take what you need and by not wasting resources you care for country and it will continue to provide
how do the aboriginal people live sustainably?
they lived sustainably from the land, never taking more than they needed to survive and allowing the land to reproduce e.g. leaving turtle eggs for the next season when it was needed. This way the young species can grow older and reproduce which continues and encourages their survival.
How many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are there in the population of Australia?
The population of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia is 984 000 making up 3.8% of the total population.
did the population increase or decrease from 2016? Why?
This is an increase from 2016 of over 185 000 people. This indicates that health services are being increasingly accessed by our First Nations people.
How many languages do the indigenous people have?
At the time of colonisation there were 250 distinct Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander languages. Of the 145 languages left, 110 are endangered.
why is it challenging to spread the languages?
This is
challenging because it is not always easy to pass these languages down if there’s few people who have the skills to teach the language or if they can’t access elders when they do want to learn. Loss of language is a big problem because language is tied closely to culture.
Where do aboriginal people live?
Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people live in all states and territories in Australia. The majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders live in cities and urban areas while others choose to live in remote areas
why do aboriginals want to live in remote areas?
because it is often easier to access a more traditional lifestyle. In remote areas there is better and more consistent access to country.
How do the aboriginals use and interact with the land?
Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people interacted closely with the land as it was critical for their continued survival in terms of providing food and shelter for their physical survival. They were very respectful towards the land (including animals and plants) to make sure they never used more than needed to.
what was the outcome of this?
In this way the land could sustain them as it had a chance to regenerate (for the next season). Our First Nations people lived sustainably!
did the aboriginals worship a single god
They did not worship a single god, they believed in ancestral spirits.
where do the ancestral spirits live?
they lived in the sky, the land, the animals and the plants
what is a totem
A totem is a natural object, plant or animal that is inherited by members of an aboriginal group as their spiritual emblem that they have to protect and have responsibility for
how the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people connect with the land?
The land was connected to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in all ways. The land is within them and they are within the land. They depended on the land for their survival but also respected the ancestral spirits residing in the natural forms and sacred places all around them.
What are the indigenous peoples beliefs?
Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people believed in a compassionate connection to the land. This was described as the Dreamtime which included the stories, songs, dances and artwork, and the traditions and cultural beliefs passed down from one generation to the next. These stories explained why the physical land was formed in the way it was e.g., Burringurrah story, the Rainbow Serpent story.
What is acknowledgement of country and why is it important?
It is an opportunity to acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners of this land. It is important because the aboriginals were killed and taken away from there families so they didn’t have the opportunities to learn about their culture. Acknowledgement of country recognizes the aboriginals as the original custodians of australia.
How do we introduce and include key indiginous cultural events and dates and why is it important to do this?
There are a lot of dates and events that highlight and include indiginous culture. We can include and acknowledge these by incorporating them into a classroom or a workplace and celebrating them. It is important we do this because some indiginous cultural events are not recognized and overlooked. It is important to acknowledge these events and incorporate them into learning spaces.
What is flying the flags high and why is it important?
An important why of including the aboriginal culture is by representing the flags. The aboriginal flag was created as a symbol of unity and identity for aboriginals. The Torres trait islander flag represents the land sea and sky which is strongly connected to the Torres strait islanders culture and traditions. It is important to represent the flags because it demonstrates our recognition of the indiginous people. Flags are a great way to spread acknowledgement to aboriginal culture
What is including artwork, posters, plaques or artifacts to celebrate culture and why is it important?
A great way to acknowledge the indiginous people is by simply installing an artwork that represents the aboriginal culture. It is important to do this because including the presence of cultural items is an amazing way to acknowledge the original owners of this land.
How do we represent the aboriginals at all hallows?
We represent aboriginal inspired artwork, we have the two flags on the terrace, we learn about acknowledgement of country and we include the key indiginous events and dates