Abnormal sexual Development Flashcards
What week of gestation do testes differentiate?
6th week gestation
What is the default sex?
What must be present for gonads to become testes?
Testes Determining Factor (TDF)
Where is SRY located, in what genetic region?
Located on the short arm of the Y chromosome in the SRY region
The wollfian ducts are also known as the _____ and represent the ______ (male /female) structures.
Mesonephric ducts, male.
The Mullerian ducts are also known as the ____ and represent the _____(male/female) structures.
Paramesonephric ducts, female
What contributes to the regression of the wolffian ducts?
absence of SRY, presence of estrogen
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is produced by what cells?
Sertoli Leydig cells
AMH is responsible for what in terms of sexual differentiation?
Regression of mullerian ducts, abdominal descent of testes
When do the sertoli Leydig cells begin to produce testosterone during embryological development?
8 weeks gestation
What does testosterone stimulate during sexual differentiation?
Stimulates descent of testes into inguinal canal, differentiation of Wolffian ducts
What do the wolffian ducts turn into?
Epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles
What do the mullerian ducts turn into?
Uterus, Fallopian tubes, upper vagina
at what weeks gestation does external masculinization occur?
Week 9 - 14
What are the three embryologic structures that will become the external genitalia?
Genital tubercle, urogenital sinus, labioscrotal swelling