abnormal immune response Flashcards
what are the 3 major types of abnormal immune response
what is immunodeficiency
what are the 2 categories of immunity
what id primary immunodeficiency
what is secondary immunodeficiency
what are the types of immunodeficiency
what s the treatment for immunodeficiency
what is hypersensitivity
what is the way to remember the 4 types & what are the 4 types
what happens in a normal immune response
what is type 1 sensitivity
explain sensitization in type 1 hypersensitivity
explain subsequent exposure in type 1 hypersensitivity
what is shock
explain cardiogenic shock
explain hypovolemic shock
explain obstructive shock
explain disruptive shock
explain anaphylactic shock & why its different from allergic reactions
explain septic shock
explain type 2 hypersensitivity
explain blood typing & transfusions
explain type 3 hypersensnitvyt
why are the compounds not degraded in type 3 hypersensitivity
explain type 4 hypersensitivity & the 2 types
why is one type of type 4 hyper sensitivity delayed
examples of typer 4 hypersensitivity
what is autoimmunity
what are the 3 ways self tolerance may be lost
what is molecular mimicry
what is abnormal T cell fx
what is exposure to sequestered Ag’s in disease
Give examples of exogenous antigens