Ability Flashcards
Assess Smone ability
Evaluar la habilidad de alguien
Questioned his abilities
Doubted his abilities
Cuestionar sus habilidades, Dudar de sus habilidades
Affect your ability to do smth
Afectar tu habilidad de hacer algo (conducir)
Lose the ability to
Perder la habilidad para
To overestimate smbdys ability
Subestimar la habilidad de alguien
Test of ability
… will be a real test of his abilities
Use of ability
He doesn’t make full use of his abilities
Reflection of abilities
The result is not a true reflection of his habilities.
Confident in abilities
I have every confidence in his ability
Best of ability
He tried to do the job with the best of his ability.
Lack of ability
His failure was not due to a lack of abilityl.
Natural ability
He was born with the natural ability of learning fast
Mixed ability
The students in my class are of mixed ability.
Considerable ability
I have no doubts that he has considerable ability.
Proven ability
We need someone with the proven ability to do the job.