ABG Management Flashcards
Hb <70 g/L
- Increase urine output
- Add filtration device
- Request blood transfusion
Hb >70 g/L
Consult anaesthetist. Polycythaemia -consider preserving blood to reduce RBC damage- (pre op or peri op).
ACT <480
Addition of heparin as per protocol (at least 5KU)
pH < 7.35-7.45
- Increase pump flow
- Increase gas flow
- Consider 8.4% NaHC03
pH > 7.35-7.45
- Decrease pump flow 2. Decrease gas flow
pO2 < 25-65 kPa
- Increase FiO2
2. Increase arterial flow 3. Blood transfusion if Hb low
pO2 > 25-65 kPa
- Decrease FiO2
2. Increase temp
pCO2 < 4.5-6.5 kPa
- Decrease gas flow
2. Increase temp
pCO2 > 4.5-6.5 kPa
- Check CO2 flooding
- Increase gas flow
- Increase arterial flow
Base Deficit < -5
- Increase pump flow 2. Administer 8.4% HCO3
Base Deficit > -5
Consult Anaesthetist
K+ < 4.5-5.5mmol
- < 4.0 add KCl 10 mmols & re check
2. Consult anaesthetist
K+ > 4.5-5.5mmol
- KCl > 5.5 increase urine output
2. Consult anaesthetist
Urine output <1ml/kg/hr
- Ensure MAP within normal CPB range
- Mannitol 10%
- Increase blood flow
- Furosemide
MAP < 60-85 mmHg
- 0.5mg Metaraminol
- Increase arterial flow
- Consult Anaesthetist
MAP > 60-85 mmHg
- Reduce flow if possible 2. 0.5 mg Phentolamine 3. Consult Anaesthetist
CVP < -5 to +5
- Check line for air entrainment
2. Re-zero transducer
CVP > -5 to +5
- Check cannula & tubing (kinks)
- Awareness of heart position
- Re zero transducer
- Consider VAVD
- Elevate table or lower reservoir
SaO2 < 100%
- Increase FiO2
- Increase arterial flow
- Increase Hb
SvO2 < 65% (target 65% +)
- increase oxygen delivery (flow, FiO2, Hb)
SvO2 > 65% (target 65% +)
- Repeat Venous gas to check
- Check for shunt
- Check temp
- Check flow rate calculations
Cerebral Oximetry monitoring (below range)
- Increase arterial flow / is blood pressure in agreed range
- Increase pCO2
- Raise Hb
- Reduce temperature
Glucose < 4.5 - 8.0 mmol
- Consult Anaesthetist
Glucose > 4.5 - 8.0 mmol
- Consult Anaesthetist
- Beware of Glucose increase post hot
Lactate > 0.5 - 1.6 mmol
- Consult Anaesthetist
Lactate < 0.5 - 1.6 mmol
- Increase pump flow 2. Correct PCO2
3. Administer 8.4% NaHCO3 if acidotic