Abdominal vessels Flashcards
What supplies the Esophagus, liver, stomach, lesser and greater omenta, spleen, duodenum and pancreas.
Celiac a.
What supplies the lesser curvature of the stomach that branches from the celiac a.
Left gastric a.
What supplies the Spleen
What supplies the Liver, parts of stomach, duodenum, and pancreas
Hepatic a.
What are the branches of the celiac a.
Left gastric, splenic, hepatic
What supplies the Lesser curvature of stomach
Right gastric a.
What supplies the Greater omentum and greater gastric curvature
Gastroepiploic a.
What are the branches of the hepatic a.
Gastroduodenal, right gastric
What are the branches of the gastroduodenal a.
Gastroepiploic, cranial pancreaticduodenal a.
What supplies the Right lobe of pancreas and duodenum
Cranial pancreaticoduodenal a.
What supplies the Branches that go to the colon
Cranial mesenteric a.
What supplies the Descending and transverse colon
Middle colic a.
What supplies the Distal ascending colon and transverse colon
Right colic a.
What supplies the Ileum, cecum, ascending colon
Ileocolic a.
What supplies the Descending duodenum and right lobe of pancreas
Caudal pancreaticoduodenal a.