Abdominal station Flashcards
What are the causes of hepatomegaly?
Congestive heart failure
Infections (viral hepatitis)
Immune (AIH, PBC, PSC)
Infiltrative (amyloid, myeloproliferative) haemachrimatosis, Wilson’s disease
What are the causes of splenomegaly?
Congestion (portal hypertension)
Hematological (thalaessemia, sickle cell disease, hemolytic anemia)
Infection (malaria,ebv,leishmaniasis)
Neoplasm (CML,myelofibrosis,lymphoma)
Autoimmune (RA, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis)
RA, splenomegaly, neutropenia, anaemia- what is the clinical diagnosis.
Feltys syndrome
What are the causes of hepatosplenomegaly?
Hematological (sickle cell,thalassaemia)
EBV viral infections
Pernicious anemiaLeishmaniasis
Neumann picks and Gaucher’s disease
What are the causes of bilateral ballotable kidneys?
Polycystic kidney disease
Bilateral hydronephrosis secondary to urethral obstruction
What are the causes for unilateral ballotable kidneys?
Polycystic kidney disease
Renal carcinoma
Renal cyst
Hypertrophy of the solitary functioning kidney
What are the causes of jaundice?
Investigations in liver cirrhosis/ liver disease
Management of liver cirrhosis
How do you inherit polycystic kidney disease and who needs screening?
What is Wilson’s disease?
What is haemachromatosis?
What is thalassaemia and different types?
Features on clinical examination to confirm that it is a palpable kidney
Palpable upper border- you can palpate over it
Moves inferiority with inspiration