Abdominal pain Flashcards
sn 6
70 year old with abdominal pain in emergency department
ruptured peptic ulcer
sn 10
24 year old lady with vomiting and abdominal pain
sn 3
52 year old male with tummy pain in your practice
take the focused history
mention differentials with reasons
sn 05
72 year old female with acute pain in abdomen in emergency department
take history for 4 mins
mention physical examination and management
sn 08
67 years old man with abdominal pain
take focused history
mention dd and mx (ix and rx)
sn 9
75 years old man with tummy pain and jaundice
> take focused historyfor 4 mins
mention dd with reasons
mention management
sn 11
45 years old woman with abdominal pain
> take focused history
mention dds and explain physical exam to examiner
sn 13
45 years old man in your GP centerr with abdominal pain
>Take focused history
>mention dds
gm 14
56year old man with abdominal pain
>take focused history
>mention your diagnosis with ddx
>mention management
ca pancreas
sn 19
55 years old man with abdominal pain in emergency department
>take focused history
>mention ddx
sn 01
34 yrs old woman comes with abdominal pain
>take focused history
>mention ddx with reasons
acute pancreatits