Abdominal + Digestive Disorders Flashcards
Describe the location of the abdomen
- anterior portion of the body between thorax and pelvis
- contains abdominal cavity
- separated from chest by diaphragm
- lined with peritoneum membrane
- contains stomach, large + small intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, gallbladder, urinary bladder and other structures
What are the nine regions of diagnosis and examination of the abdomen?
- right + left hypochondrium
- right + left lumbar
- right + left iliac
- epigastric
- umbilical
- hypogastrium/supra pubic
What is contained in the right hypochondriac region?
- liver
- right kidney
- gallbladder
- large/small intestine
What is contained in the left hypochondriac region?
- liver’s tip
- stomach
- pancreas
- left kidney
- spleen
- large/small intestine
What is contained in the epigastric region?
- liver
- stomach
- spleen
- duodenum
- adrenal glands
- pancreas
What is contained in the right lumbar region?
- ascending colon
- small intestine
- right kidney
What is contained in the left lumbar region?
- descending colon
- small intestine
- left kidney
What is contained in the umbilical region?
- duodenum
- small intestine
- transverse colon
What is contained in the right iliac region?
- appendix
- caecum
- ascending colon
- small intestine
What is contained in the left iliac region?
- sigmoid colon
- descending colon
- small intestine
What is contained in the hypogastric/supra pubic region?
- bladder
- sigmoid colon
- small intestine
- reproductive organs
Provide a definition of the gastrointestinal system
- ingestion of food is acted upon by physical and chemical means
- provides the body with absorbable nutrients
- excretes waste products
- in animals the system includes the alimentary canal extending from mouth to anus, the hormones and enzymes assisting digestion
What are the cardinal questions of the gastrointestinal system?
- do you have Abdominal pain?
- are you nauseous?
- are you vomiting blood?
- are you vomiting?
- do you have constipation, diarrhoea or faecal incontinence?
- is there blood in your stool?
- do you have anorectal pain?
- do you have any masses around your anus?
- do you have the sensation of incomplete emptying?
- has your weight changed unintentionally?
- do you believe your skin to be of a yellow colour?
- do you have problems swelling (Dysphagia)
- do you have pain on swallowing (odnophagia)
- do you have indigestion?
What are the signs and symptoms of GI Disorders?
- Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
- bleeding
- bloating
- constipation/diarrhoea
- heartburn/GERD
- incontinence
- nausea and vomiting
- pain in the abdomen
What is Dysphagia?
- defined as difficulty swallowing
Why is Dysphagia a serious symptom that requires investigation?
- to exclude neoplasm
- can lead to malnutrition
If the patient experiences a lump in the throat when they are not swallowing, what is the likely diagnosis?
- anxiety, so called Globus Hystericus
What are the causes of dysphagia?
- malignant stricture
- benign strictures
- extrinsic pressure
What are the malignant strictures of dysphagia?
- oesophageal cancer
- gastric cancer
- pharyngeal cancer
What are the benign strictures of dysphagia?
- oesophageal web/ring
- peptic stricture
What are the extrinsic pressures (outside growing in) of dysphagia?
- lung cancer
- retrosternal goitre - usually anteriorly C5/T1
- mediastinal cancers
- pharyngeal pouch
What does the word stricture mean?
- narrowing
What are the causes of dysphagia?
- Achalasia = failure of smooth muscle fibres to relax
- diffuse oesophageal spasm
- myasthenia gravis = long term neuromuscular function disease
- syringomyelia = neurological disorder in which a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) forms within the spinal cord
- systemic sclerosis = hardening and tightening of the skin
- bulbar palsy = bilateral impairment of cranial nerves IX - XII
- oesophagitis
- infection (candida, herpes)
- reflux oesophagitis