Abdomen Techniques of Examination Flashcards
Positioning/techniques for relaxed abdomen
Arms at side
Bend knees
Open jaw mouth breath
Bowel sounds
Ok to ausculate in one quadrant ie RLQ as sound reverberates
Stomach growling
Friction rubs over liver spleen or mass
Gonococcal infection of liver
Splenic infarction
Pancreatic carcinoma
Locate palpation sites of…
Renal arteries
Iliac arteries
Femoral arteries
Assess for peritonitis
positive cough test Involuntary guarding Rigidity *rebound tenderness Percussion tenderness
Percussion of liver
Mid rt clavicular line
*heavy strike underestimates liver size
Start below umbilicus for lower border
At nipple line for upper border
Palpation of liver
Right midclavicular line
Press in and up
Palpable 3cm below right costal margin on inspiration
Hooking technique for obese pts
Movement of enlarged spleen
Anteriorly, medially, and downward
Traube space
Percuss for spleen
L anterior chest
6th rib to anterior axillary line
Percussion of spleen
Normal tympany
Abnormal dullness
Percuss after deep inhalation (castell’s sign)
*edge 2cm below left costal margin upon inspiration in enlargement
Castell sign
Percus spleen after large inhale
Abnormal dull
Palpation of kidneys
Kidneys not palpable unless markedly enlarged
Technique of cva percussion
Strike your hand with ulnar surface of fist to r/o pyelonephritis
Palpation of bladder
Not palpable above symphis pubis unless distended