Rectus Abdominus Muscle is divided in bellies by tendinous intersections. What is by far the most common configuration of the muscle bellies of the rectus Abdominus.
(D) 6 Bellies and symmetric
(D) 6 Bellies and symmetric
A person was stung by a bee in the left lumbar region. The nerves supplying the region accompany the branches of
(C) Posterior Intercostal Arteries
(C) Posterior Intercostal Arteries
A patient comes to your clinic whom you operated for obstructed irreducible indirect Left Inguinal hernia one month ago. He says “It has been over four weeks from the surgery and I still have much discomfort. Inside of my thigh is numb, burns or simply hurts when touched. When I move in certain ways I get a stabbing pain in that area accompanied with a sensation of being bit by a bunch of wasps (Bees).”
Which nerve is most likely damaged?
(B) Illioinguinal Nerve
(B) Illioinguinal Nerve
This patient has more chances of developing which type of hernia in future
(B) Left Direct Inguinal Hernia
(B) Left Direct Inguinal Hernia
During Laproscopic repair of Direct inguinal Hernia, the site of hernia will be located in
(C) Medial Inguinal Fossa
(C) Medial Inguinal Fossa
Median Umbilical Fold
(A) Is a remnant of Urachus
(A) Is a remnant of Urachus
While operating for Indirect Inguinal Hernia there started an unusual rapid oozing of blood, which filled the site with blood. The Surgeon had to stop to control the bleed. Which artery is most likely injured?
(A) Inferior Epigastric
(A) Inferior Epigastric
You are examining a patient for Hernia during exam. The examiner asks you to differentiate between inguinal and Femoral Hernia. Your best response will be
(D) Femoral Hernia is below and Lateral to Pubic tubercle
(D) Femoral Hernia is below and Lateral to Pubic tubercle
A patient was diagnosed with Testicular Carcinoma (Seminoma). He comes to you and asks what stage is his cancer is. You advise him a test. What will you advise
(A) CT Abdomen
(A) CT Abdomen
A 45 year old man comes to your clinic and says that he has a Dragging-like or aching pain within scrotum and feeling a bag of worms. You do a Physical exam and make a diagnosis of Varicocele. Considering his age what test will u order?
(A) CT Abdomen
(A) CT Abdomen
Processus vaginalis in males form the Tunica Vaginalis of testis. In females it forms
(B) Canal Of Nuck
(B) Canal Of Nuck
A 10 year old boy comes to your clinic at 8 PM for sudden Pain in his inguinal region. He is otherwise healthy. On further questioning you came to know that his Right testis never descended properly. You notice a swelling just medial to deep inguinal ring. You don’t have any facility of surgery in your office at night but you can operate in the morning. What will you do next
(E) Refer to Emergency Surgical Department
(E) Refer to Emergency Surgical Department
Subcoastal nerve is in relation to which structure
(C) Lateral Arcuate Ligament
(C) Lateral Arcuate Ligament
There is a phenomenon in which some people are almost immune to anesthesia, or they metabolize anesthetic rapidly and start feeling pain. But the muscle relaxants don’t let them move. Thinking this has happened to your patient in Inguinal Hernia repair, which dermatome is responsible for this pain.
(E) None Of Above
(E) None Of Above
Inferior epigastric vessels perforate Rectus abdominis Muscle at the level of
(E) Arcuate Line of Anterior Abdominal Wall
(E) Arcuate Line of Anterior Abdominal Wall
After Inguinal Hernia Repair in a 10 year old boy medial side of thigh is stimulated to check the cremasteric reflex, but it was found to be absent. Which nerve is responsible for contraction of cremaster muscle.
(C) Genital Branch of Genitofemoral Nerve
(C) Genital Branch of Genitofemoral Nerve
Cremasteric Artery is a branch of
(B) Inferior epigastric artery
(B) Inferior epigastric artery
External Spermatic Fascia arise from External oblique aponerosis, So Internal Spermatic Fascia arise from
(B) Transversalis fascia
(B) Transversalis fascia