abdomen boards Flashcards
all of the following are associated with echinococcal cysts except
a. cyst within a cyst presentation
b. Casoni skin test
c. anaphalactic shock
d. water lilly sign
which fetal circulation pathway connects the left portal vein to the ivc
ductus venosus
the ligamentum venosum is all of the following except
a. a remnant of the umbilical vein
b. a remnant of the ductus venosus
c. a remenat of the fetal circulatin which shunts blood fro the left portal vein to the ivc bypassing the liver
d. divides caudate lobe from left lobe of liver
the caudate lobe is located on the
d. posterosuperior surface of the liver
the ligamentum teres
a. resides in the left intersegmental fissure
b. is a remnant of umbilical vein
c. recannalizes in severe cirrhosis
d. is an echogenic spot on transverse liver images
e. all
all of the above
cystic lesions within the liver include all except
a. congenital cysts
b. polycycstic liver disesase
c. carolis disease
d. hemangiomas
d. hemangiomas
which is in decreasing order of echogenicity
renal sinus panc liver renal parenchyma
which part of the liver is least affected by Budd Chiari
a. right anterior
b. right posterior
c. left medial
d. left lateral
e. caudate
all of the following mass lesions are benign except
a parasitic disease of the liver causing portal hypertension and occlusion of the portal veins
if on sonographic exam one finds a patient with intrahepatic dilated ducts and a small gb this may indicate that the level of obstruction is
b. above the cystic duct
dilation of the intrahepatic biliary tree without dilatation of the extrahepatic duct includes all of the following except
a. Klatskin tumor
b. enlarged portal lymph nodes
c. cholangiocarcinoma
d. Pancreatic carcinoma
a 48 yo female presents postcholecystectomy with right upper quad pain and elevated serum bilirubin and bilirubin in her urine. it is true that
she probably has a stone, tumor, or stricture obsturcting the bile duct
increased levels of alkaline phosphatase are expected with
a. biliary obstruction
b. children
c. hepatocellular disease
d. pregnancy
e. all
e. all
a Phrygian cap is
a. an enlarged gallbladder
b. a fold at the gallbladder fundus
c. a fold in the gallbladder neck
d. a diverticula at the gallbladder neck
b. fold at the gallbladder fundus
the causes of a large gallbladder include all of the following except
a. adenomyomatosis
b. cystic duct obstruction
c. pancreatic carcinoma
d. diabetes mellitus
e. a fasting patients
f. common duct obstruction
which of the following is associated with Caroli disease
a. dilated intrahepatic bile ducts
b. dilated extrahepatic bile ducts
c. Courvoisier gallbladder
d. diffuse thickening of the common duct
Thickening of the gallbladder wall is a common feature in
a. hypoalbuminemia
b. cholecystitis
c. adenomyomatosis
d. carcinoma of the gallbladder
e. all
Gallbladder wall thickening may be due to all of the following except
a. ascites
b. hypoproteinemia
c. right sided congestive cardiac failure
d. fatty liver
e. acute cholecystitis
d. fatty liver
Courvoisiers sign is associated with all of the following except
a. pancreatic carcinoma
b. dilated gb
c. Hepatocellular carcinoma
d. biiary duct dilatation
e. painless jaundice
throughout its course the splenic vein is located on the
posterior surface of the pancreatic body and tail
the most common primary neoplasm of the pancrease is adenocarcinoma. this:
a. is usually found in the head of the pancreas
b. is accompanied by weight loss and painless jaundice
c. is accompanied by a dilated gb
d. causes dilatation of the cbd
e. all
e. all
the portion of the pancreas that lies posterior to the superior mesenteric artery and vein is the
uncinate process
the pancreas is located
occasionally a pseudocyst may have internal echoes and be confused with an abscess. to distinguish the two one should look for
c. gas
chronic pancreatitis may be associated with which of the following sonographic patterns
a. increased echogenicity
b. decrease in pancreas size
c. calcs
d. dilated panc duct
e. all
Islet cell tumors of the panc are most likely to be located
rarely in the head, frequently in the body or tail
the gastroduodenal artery
a. is the first branch of the common hepatic artery
b. proceeds caudally along the anterolateral margin of the pancreatic head
c. is seen in the transverse views directly anterior to the cbd
d. is the point wher the common hepatic artery becomes the hepatic artery proper
e. all
e all
the cbd is joined with the panc duct before entering the
second portion of the duodenum
which of the following is correct
a. the lesser sac is located anterior and superior to the panc
which of the following will displace the superior mesenteric artery anteriorly
a. cbd stone
b. panc head mass
c. left renal vein thromb
d. rectus shealth hematoma
what is the correct path of a rbc returning to the heart
splenic vein, portal vein, right portal vein, emissary veins, IVC, right atrium
which of the following are associated with splenomegaly
a. polycythemia vera
b. lymphoma
c. portal vein thrombosis
d. shistosomiasis
e. all
e. all