Abdomen Anatomy&Subjective Flashcards
Linea alba
The tendinous seam that joins the four layers of flat muscles that from the ventral abdominal wall.
Rectus Abdominis
One set of the muscles that lines that abdominal wall. It forms a strip that extends the length of the midline, and its edge is often palpable.
Function of the abdominal muscles
protect and hold the organs in place, and they flex the vertebral column
Solid viscera
organs that maintain characteristic shape- liver, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, ovaries, uterus.
Liver-fills most of RUQ, and extends to mid clavicular line. Lower edge of liver is normally palpable.
Right kidney- normally palpable.
Ovaries- normally palpable only on bimanual manipulation during pelvic exam.
Hollow viscera
Stomach, gall bladder, small intestine, colon, bladder.
- Shape depends on contents
- Not usually palpable, but may feel a colon distended with feces or bladder distended with urine.
soft mass of lymp tissue on posterolateral wall of abdominal cavity, immediately under diaphragm. Width extends from 9th-11th rib.
- not normally palpable
- if enlarged, its lower pole moves downward and toward midline.
left of midline in upper part of abdomen. Can be palpated easily in upper anterior abdominal wall
RUQ contains…
Liver gallbladder duodenum head of pancreas R kidney and adrenal Hepatic fixture of colon Part of ascending and transverse colon
LUQ contains..
Stomach Spleen Left lobe of liver Body of pancreas L kidney and adrenal Splenic flexure of colon Part of transverse and descending colon
Cecum appendix R ovary and tube R ureter R spermatic cord
Part of descending colon Sigmoid colon Left Ovary and tube Left ureter Left spermatic cord
Midline contains..
Uterus (if enlarged)
Bladder (if distended)
The Aging Adult- Fat
- Fat accumulated in suprapubic area in females due to decreased estrogen
- Males: fat deposits in abdominal area
- With further aging, adipose tissue is redistributed away from the face and extremities, and moves to the abdomen and hips. Ab musculature also relaxes.
The Aging Adult- GI system
Changes that dont affect fx as long as no disease is present:
- Decreased salivation (dry mouth, decreased taste)
- Delayed emptying of esophagus (is aging person is fed supine there is increased risk for aspiration)
- Gastir acid secretion decreases with aging –>pernicious anemia (because it interferes with B12 absorption), iron deficency anemia, and malabsorption of calcium.
- gallstones, more common in females
- decreased liver size between ages of 20-70.
- Decreased blood flow in liver impairs its drug metabolism. By age 65 there is decrease of blood flow in liver. Livers enzymes dont work, and its less effective at metabolizing drugs, so metabolism is prolonged. Leads to increased drug side effects
- Increased constipation–> Rome criteria
What is the Rome criteria?
Rome criteria was developed to define constipation, and standardized symptom criteria. Symptoms are 1) reduced stool frequency (less than 3 BM/week), 2) troubling symptoms (straining, lumpy/hard stool, incomplete evacuation, anorectal blockage, manual maneuvers)… manual maneuvers???! Ew.
Causes of constipation
decreased physical activity, low water intake, low fiber, meds (opiods, trycyclic antidepressants), IBS, bowel obstruction, hypothyroidism, inadequate toilet facilities (difficulty getting to a toilet)
Subjective Categories for Abdominal exam
Appetite Dysphagia Food intolerance Abdominal pain Nausea/vom Bowel habits Past abdominal Hx Medications Nutritional Assessment
Assessed when asking about changes in appetite.
Anorexia: loss of appetite from GI disease, as a side effect of some meds, pregnancy, or psychological disorders.
Any difficulty swallowing?
Dysphagia occurs with disorders of throat and esophagus
Food intolerance
Are there any foods you cant eat?
Food Intolerance: could be allergy, heart burn, indigestion (example- lactase deficiency resulting in bloating or excessive gas after milk products
Pyrosis: Heartburn- a burning sensation in esophagus and stomach from reflux of gastirc acid.
Eructation: belching
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain may be visceral from an internal organ (dull pain, general, poorly localized). May be parietal from inflammation of overlying peritoneum (sharp, precisely localized, aggravated by movement), or referred pain from another disorder in another site.
Acute pain that requires urgent diagnosis occurs with appendicitis, cholecystitis, bowel obstruction, or perforated organ.
Abdominal Pain- Chronic
Is the pain relieved by food or worse after eating?
Chronic pain of gastric ulcers occurs on an empty stomach. Pain of duodenal ulcers occurs 2-3 hours after a meal and is relieved by more food.
How often? How much comes up?
Nausea/Vomiting common with GI disease, many meds, and with early pregnancy
-Is there blood?–> Hematemesis= occurs with stomach or duodenal ulcers and esophageal varices
-What foods did you eat in the last 24 hrs and where? Anyone else in family with same symptoms?-> Consider food poisoning
Bowel Habits
How often?- Assess usual bowel habits
Assess color and consistency- Black= if tarry might be from occult blood (melena) from GI bleeding or non-tarry from iron meds. Gray stools=with hepatits
Red blood in stool= GI bleeding or localized bleeding around anus
Past abdominal Hx
Any Hx of GI problems? Any operations? Any problems after surgery? Any x-rays? results?
What meds do you take? Alcohol consumption? Do you smoke?
peptic ulcer disease occurs with frequent use of NSAIDS, alcohol, smoking, and helicobactor pylori infection.
Nutritional Assessment
Ask about diet- “Tell me all the food you ate yesterday, starting with breakfast” (use 24 hr. recall)
ask about fresh food markets in neighborhood- many inner-city lack markets and have a lot of fast food restaurants.
Additional subjective HX for aging adult
1) How do you get groceries and prepare meals- asses risk for nutritional deficit due to access to store, disability)
2) Do you eat alone or share meals with others- If they live alone they may not bother prepare meals at all. Depression. Social isolation.
3) Please tell me all that you had to eat yesterday and start with breakfast- 24- hr recall may not be sufficient because daily pattern may vary. Do week long intake (food pattern may differ during the month due to income)
4) How often do you have BM? - if they report constipation, ask them what they mean by constipaton and inquire about their liquid and fiber intake. Also ask about Medications due to their GI effects.
Abdominal pain described as dull, general pain, and poorly localized would most likely be what?
Visceral pain from an internal organ
Abdominal pain described as sharp, well localized or precise, that is aggravated by movement, would most likely be what kind of pain?
Parietal abdominal pain from inflammation of overlying peritoneum
What does acute pain occur with?
Bowel Obstruction
Perforated Organ