Abdomen Flashcards
Pain: RUQ/epigastric pain Epigastric pain Periumbilical pain Hypogastric pain Suprapubic/sacral pain
RUQ/epigastric pain- biliary tree, liver
Epigastric pain- stomach, duodenum, pancreas
Periumbilical pain- small intestine, appendix, proximal colon
Hypogastric pain- colon, bladder, uterus
Suprapubic/sacral pain- rectum
Bowel movements - 3 factors
Frequency, consistency, pain
Bloody stools
Black, tarry stools
White/gray stools
Indicative of liver/gallbladder disease
Urinary tract- 4 factors
Frequency, pain with urination, color, and smell
Back pain at the costovertebral pain
In the abdomen, always _________ before ___________/_____________
Auscultate before palpating/percussing
Order for examination of the abdomen
Inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation
Light palpation
Gentle. Identify any superficial organs/masses
Voluntary guarding or involuntary guarding
Deep palpation
Palpate deeply in the periumbilical area and both lower quadrants
Rebound tenderness
Occurs if pain increases when examiner decreases pressure against the abdomen
A sign which confirms the presence of peritonitis **** TQ!
In addition, will also find ________ and ________
Rebound tenderness
In addition,
- rigidity
- involuntary guarding
Peritonitis listen for
Friction rub over the liver/spleen
Borborygmus- rumbling bowel sound
RUQ structures
Gall bladder, liver, duodenum, R kidney, abdominal aorta
Spleen, left kidney, pancreas, stomach
LLQ structures
Sigmoid colon, transverse and descending colon, bladder, uterus, ovaries
Bowel loops, appendix at McBurney’s point, cecum
Hepatitis liver edge
6 cm below RCM
Rovsing’s sign
Palpation of LLQ increases pain felt in RLQ - acute appendicitis
Murphy’s sign
Places hand under R costal margin and patient inspires. If patient winces when in contact with liver- cholecystitis
Normal bowel sounds
5-34 clicks and gurgles/minute
Borborgmi- stomach growling
Abnormal bowel sounds
Bowel sounds increase if diarrhea, early intestinal obstruction
Decrease if obstruction, peritonitis
Friction rub
Signifies infection. Heard over liver and spleen
Succussion splash
Sloshing sound when patient moves from side to side. Listen while shaking abdomen from side to side
Heard with high blood pressure. Bruits heard with systolic and diastolic indicate arterial occlusion/insufficiency. Suggest narrowing of the vessel. Listen over abdominal aorta and renal arteries
Can suggest liver cancer or alcoholic hepatitis
Liver percussion & palpation
Liver size 6-12 cm
Resonance to dull- top
Tympanic to dull- bottom
Palpable during inhalation
Spleen- percussion & palpation
Not percussable/not palpable
Tympanic- normal
Dull- enlarged spleen (dull = organs)
Palpate during inhalation
Kidney palpation
Place below 12th ring. One had back and above. Check on exhalation
Press firmly in abdomen slightly L of midline to identify aortic pulsation
Iliopsoas test (psoas test)
R hip flexion against physician’s resistance. Positive indicates abdominal pain & inflamed appendix
Obturator test
R hip flexion, R knee flexion, internal rotation. Positive indicates R hypogastric pain and inflamed appendix
Bloody/pink-ish hematuria
Kidney stones, UTI, tumor, STI
Reddish urine
Dark urine
Impaired excretion of bilirubin to GI tract
Pale colored stools
Alcoholic stools
Bile not entering intestine due to blockage
Abdominal involuntary rigidity
Involuntary muscle spasm
Peritoneal inflammation
Abnormal palpating liver findings
Bluntness or rounding of edge
Irregular contour
Pale skin
Yellow skin
Peripheral cyanosis
Blue around extremities
Central cyanosis
Blue around face, lips and tongue
Causes of kidney enlargement
Cysts, tumors, hydronephrosis
CVA tenderness
Pyelonephritis - infection of kidney/ureters
Esophageal dysphagia- mucosal rings, esophageal stricture, cancer
Motor disorders- esophageal spasm, scleroderma, achalasia
Life habits, IBS, mechanical obstruction, painful anal lesions, drugs, depression, metabolic conditions
Cirrhosis, CHF, pericarditis, IVC, Hepatic vein obstruction
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
Periumbilical mass.
Expansive pulsation 3 cm or more
Osteopathic viscera-somatic reflexes with abdominal/GI disorders
- stomach
- spleen/pancreas
- liver/gb
- SI
- kidney
- Right colon
- Left colon
- stomach- T5-T9 Left
- spleen/pancreas- T7-T9 left
- liver/gb- T6/7-T9 Right
- SI- T9-T10
- kidney- T10-L1
- Right colon- T10-T11 Right
- Left colon - T12-L2 left
Liver edge in normal vs acute hepatitis patients
Non-tender 1 finger-breadths below RCM
Tender 4-5 finger-breadths below RCM