Abdomen Flashcards
Abdominal pain and loss of appetite in a child
Grey Turner sign
Loin pain
Increased serum amylase
High fever (104-105F) Pain in abdomen
Seat of problem is thorax or kidney
Resistance and tenderness of quadratus lumborum and adjacent muscles
Perinephric abscess , inflamed kidney, inflamed retrocecal appendix
Pain in the back that radiates to the groin, perineum or scrotum
Pulsatile mass
Ruptured aortic aneurysm
Thoracic pain that radiates down the left arm and later spreads down the abdomen
Femoral pulse obliterated
Dissecting aneurysm
Intermittent claudication
Abdominal angina
Mesenteric thrombosis
What must be examined to exclude SBO?
All hernial orifices esp the femoral rings
Ladder pattern of abdominal distention
Lower ileum obstruction
Abdominal pain
Steadily increasing distention
Little or no vomiting
Sigmoid obstruction
Male infant 6-18 months
Screams and draws up legs
Sausage-shaped swelling in epigastrum or left side
Blood or mucus seen on rectal exam
Tx: barium enema
Severe general abdominal pain
Initial collapse
Board-like rigidity of abdominal wall
Pain on top of shoulder
Perforated peptic ulcer
May be indistinguishable from diverticulitis
Crohn’s colitis
Why should barium contrast not be given by mouth if colon obstruction is suspected?
It convert an incomplete obstruction to a complete one
What must be done in order to detect a perforation by upright film?
Patient must be upright 5-10 min
Environmental factors associated with Crohns
Functions of the spleen
- Removes old blood cells or those tagged with IgG
- Opsonin production
- Synthesizes antibodies
- Stores 1/3 of platelets
Organisms that cause postsplenectomy sepsis
S pneumoniae, N meningitidis, H influenzae
Most common reason for elective splenectomy
Hartmann’s pouch
other names for the GB
volume of the GB
50 ml
XR evidence of small bowel obstruction
Air in biliary tree
Gallstone ileus
RUQ pain
Charcot’s triad
jaundice RUQ pain fever hypotension altered mental status
Reynold’s pentad
preop management for GSW to the abdomen
large bore IV for fluids
broad spectrum Abx