Abdomen Flashcards
•The right suprarenal gland is positioned _____to the right kidney.
In Step 12, you are directed to identify (locate) the lesser omentum extending between the __________ of the stomach and the __________ .
lesser curvature; liver
Of the three structures identified (located) in the free margin of the lesser omentum, the __________ is the most posterior.
hepatic portal vein
◾1st part
◾Duodenal papillae
◦Bile duct
◾Common hepatic
◾Renal column
◾Renal pyramid
◾Renal papillae
◾Minor calyx
◾Major calyx
◾Renal pelvis
•The inferior vena cava passes ______to the liver and is positioned _____to the caudate lobe.
posterior , lateral
•The kidney is positioned _____-______ to the psoas muscle and ______to both the quadratus lumborum and transversus abdominis muscles.
anterior - lateral, anterior
In Step 14, you are directed to identify (locate) the superior mesenteric vein. This vein typically passes __________ to the duodenum (3rd or 4th segment) and __________ to the body of the pancreas.
anterior; posterior
•The left suprarenal gland is positioned ______to the left kidney.
In Step 17, you are instructed to mobilize the abdominal viscera. After following the directions, you should be able to displace the viscera towards the __________ quadrant of the peritoneal cavity.
upper right
In Step 7, you are directed to attempt to identify (locate) the cremaster muscle passing from the __________ to the spermatic cord.
internal oblique
•The duodenum (2 nd part) is positioned directly _____ of the pancreas (head).
lateral (to the right)
The superficial ring of the inguinal canal is an opening in the __________
aponeurosis of the external oblique
•The left renal vein passes _______to the abdominal aorta and _____to the superior mesenteric artery.
anterior, posterior
◾Right lobe
◾Left lobe
◾Fossa for gall bladder
◾Porta hepatis
◾Caudate lobe
◾Quadrate lobe
◾Fissure for ligamentum teres
◾Fissure for ligamentum venosum
In Step 5, you are directed to identify (locate) the ilioinguinal nerve where it emerges from the __________ .
superficial inguinal ring
•The duodenum (3 rd part) is positioned directly ____ to the pancreas (head) and passes _____to both the inferior vena cava and the abdominal aorta.
inferior, anterior
•The gastroduodenal artery passes _____to the duodenum (1 st part) and ______to the pancreas.
posterior , anterior
•The hepatic artery proper passes _____ to the epiploic foramen.
•The right renal artery passes directly _______to the inferior vena cava.
•The right ureter passes ______to the psoas muscle.
The __________ , __________ and __________ arteries are the primary blood supply of the abdominal viscera.
celiac; superior mesenteric; inferior mesenteric
In Step 18, you are instructed to identify (locate) the celiac ganglion and sympathetic trunk. In the VH Dissector link (cross-section), the lumbar sympathetic trunk is positioned adjacent to the __________ muscle.
psoas major
•The gall bladder is positioned ______to the quadrate lobe of the liver.
In Step 18, you are instructed to identify (locate) the left suprarenal vein where it drains into the __________ .
left renal vein
•The hepatic portal vein passes ______to the epiploic foramen, and in the lesser omentum (hepatoduodenal ligament), it is typically positioned _____to the bile duct and the hepatic artery proper.
anterior , posterior
•The right testicular artery passes directly ______to the inferior vena cava, the right ureter, and the psoas muscle.
In Step 19, you are instructed to identify (locate) the medial and lateral arcuate ligaments. The left lateral arcuate ligament arches over (passes anterior) to the __________ .
left quadratus lumborum
In Step 13, you are directed to identify (locate) the __________ artery where this artery passes posterior to the 1st part of the duodenum before splitting into its two terminal branches.
In Step 4, you are instructed to reflect the lower right quadrant of the __________ towards the inguinal ligament.
superficial fascia
◾Lesser curvature
◾Greater curvature
◾Cardiac orifice
◾Pyloric orifice
◾Gastric folds
•The common bile duct passes _____to the duodenum (1 st part) and _____to the epiploic foramen.
posterior, anterior
◾Uncinate process
•The superior mesenteric artery is postioned ______ to the superior mesenteric vein and passes _______to the duodenum (4 th part) , directly _______to the left renal vein, and ______to the pancreas (body).
lateral (to the left), anterior , anterior, posterior
◾Left colic flexure
◾Teniae coli
◾Appendicies epiploicae
◾Hepatic flexure
•The splenic artery and vein pass ______ to the stomach (fundus) and are typically positioned _____-______ to the pancreas (body and tail).
posterior, posterior - superior
In Step 9, you are directed to identify (locate) the ductus deferens. The ductus deferens is directly continuous with the __________ .
tail of the epididymis
In Step 15, you are directed to identify the major duodenal papilla. The bile and main pancreatic ducts join near the hepatopancreatic ampulla proximal to the papilla. The bile duct approaches this junction from the __________ direction while the pancreatic duct approaches from the __________ direction.
superior; left (medial)
•The superior mesenteric vein passes _____to the duodenum (4 th part) and ______to both the stomach (pylorus) and the pancreas (body).
anterior, posterior
◦Left celiac ganglion
◦Sympathetic trunks
◦Lateral cutaneous of thigh
◦Lumbosacral trunk
◦External oblique
◦Rectus abdominis
◦Internal oblique
•The right common iliac artery passes directly _____to the left common iliac vein.