Abby learn Flashcards
A wave to the side
My name is
My: make a closed fist touching the centre of your chest with your fingers facing your way
Name: Two fingers touch the top of your head then twist fingers other way when taking your fingers off your head clearing showing the person infront of you (middle finger and index finger)
Sign Tashi & Leticia
Refer to image if unsure
What’s your name
What’s: Shake your index finger
your: make a fist showing person your fingers infront of you.
Name: Two fingers touch the top of your head then twist fingers other way when taking your fingers off your head clearing showing the person infront of you (middle finger and index finger)
How are you
Wipe hands on your chest then make a thumbs up
Thumbs up
pinky up while making the word like your
Point to yourself
Thank you
Thank: Hand straight fingers touching chin the move hand forward
you: point to the person
Hand straight fingers touching chin the move hand forward then bring them down with fingers touching you plam
Nice to meet you
Nice: Swipe your fingers with hand straight across chin then make a thumbs up
To: with your two fingers starts on the left and end on the right
Meet: To fingers meeting each other. the one closest to you moves to the one closest to the person infront of you
You: Point to the person opposite you
Draw line in the centre of your chest the top to somewhat near the bottom
Point to yourself
Make a closed fist touching the centre of your chest with your fingers facing your way
Point to the person