Abbreviations Flashcards
What does the abbreviation a.c. mean?
Ante cibum - before food or before meals
What does ad lib mean?
Ad libitum - as desired
What does alt. h. mean?
Alternis horis - every other hour
What does amp mean?
Ampulla - ampoule
What does aq mean?
Aqua - water
What does bis mean?
What does b.d. or b.i.d. mean?
Bis in die - twice per day
What does cap. or caps mean?
Capsula - capsule
What does cf mean?
Confer - to compare
What does eod mean?
Every other day
What does e.m.p. mean?
Ex modo prescripto - in the manner prescribed
What does h or hr mean?
Hora - hour
What does nebul mean?
Nebula - spray
What does h.s. mean?
Hora somni - at bedtime
What does ID, IM, SC and IV mean?
ID - intradermal
IM - intramuscular
SC - subcutaneous (may also be SQ)
IV - intravenous