What does the following abbreviation stand for: SEAQ
Stock Exchange Automated Quotation
What does the following abbreviation stand for: AUM
Assets Under Management
What does the following abbreviation stand for: ADR
American Depositary Receipt
What does the following abbreviation stand for: CMA
The Competition and Markets Authority
What does the following abbreviation stand for: REIT
Real Estate Investment Trust
What does the following abbreviation stand for: PETs
Potentially Exempt Transfers
What does the following abbreviation stand for: SDD
Simplified Due Diligence (AML Checks)
What does the following abbreviation stand for: PSR
Payment Systems Regulator
What does the following abbreviation stand for: REIs
Recognised Investment Exchanges
What does the following abbreviation stand for: BEIS
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
What does the following abbreviation stand for: CD
Certificate of Deposit
What does the following abbreviation stand for: SDLT
Stamp Duty Land Tax
What does the following abbreviation stand for: NEST
National Employment Savings Trust
What does the following abbreviation stand for: RCHs
Recognised Clearing Houses
What does the following abbreviation stand for: SPS
Statement of Professional Standing
What does the following abbreviation stand for: ICVC
Investment Company with Variable Capital
What does the following abbreviation stand for: DB (Pensions)
Defined Benefit Pensions
What does the following abbreviation stand for: ICO
Information Commissioner’s Office
What does the following abbreviation stand for: CIS
Collective Investment Scheme
What does the following abbreviation stand for: PRs
Prescribed Responsibilities
What does the following abbreviation stand for: FSAVC
Free Standing Additional Voluntary Contributions
What does the following abbreviation stand for: RDR
Retail Distribution Review
What does the following abbreviation stand for: AIFM
Alternative Investment Fund Manager
What does the following abbreviation stand for: ECP
Eligible Counter Party
What does the following abbreviation stand for: MiFID
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
What does the following abbreviation stand for: PEP
Politically Exposed Person
What does the following abbreviation stand for: DMM
Designatory Marker Maker
What does the following abbreviation stand for: FCA
Financial Conduct Authority
What does the following abbreviation stand for: ISA
Individual Savings Account
What does the following abbreviation stand for: IDBs
Inter-Dealer Brokers
What does the following abbreviation stand for: PIP
Primary Information Provider
What does the following abbreviation stand for: AIFMD
Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive
What does the following abbreviation stand for: CFDs
Contracts for Differences
What does the following abbreviation stand for: OTC
Over the Counter
What does the following abbreviation stand for: MTFs
Multilateral Trading Facilities
What does the following abbreviation stand for: LIBOR
London InterBank Offer Rate (now ceased)
What does the following abbreviation stand for: GIPS
Global Investment Performance Standards
What does the following abbreviation stand for: PPF
Pensions Protection Fund
What does the following abbreviation stand for: EPA
Enduring Power of Attorney
What does the following abbreviation stand for: IHT
Inheritance Tax
What does the following abbreviation stand for: MiFIR
Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation