ABBAS 2 Flashcards
Characteristics of innate immunity
Defence mechanisms always present
Recognise and respond to microbes
Do not react against nonmicrobial substances
Can be triggered by host cells that are damaged by microbes
Differences from adaptive immunity
o Adaptive must be stimulated by and adapts to encounters with microbes before it can be effective
o Adaptive may be directed against microbial and nonmicrobial Ags
Specifically targets microbes
Recognition of microbes
- Innate recognises structures shared by various classes of microbes and not present on host cells
- Recognise structure of microbes that are essential for survival and infectivity of microbes
- Recognise molecules released from stressed or necrotic cells : Damage associated molecular patterns
- Receptors of innate encoded in germline, not produced by somatic recombination
- Does not react against host
- Responds in the same way to repeat encounters with the same microbes
- 2 principle of reactions
- Innate recognises structures shared by various classes of microbes and not present on host cells
o Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMP)
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) / endotoxin – bacterial cell wall
Terminal mannose residues – bacterial
Double-stranded RNA – viruses
Unmethylated CpG
oligonucleotides – microbial DNA
o Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRR) – receptors that recognise PAMP
o Innate immunity can bind to host cells but do not react against host cells due to lack of activation mediated by regulatory molecules present on host cells but not on microbes
- Recognises structures of microbes that are essential for survival and infectivity of microbes
o Thus microbe cannot evade innate immunity by mutating or not expressing targets of innate immune recognition
o Microbes w/o functional forms of recognition structures lose ability to infect and colonise host
o But microbes often evade adaptive immunity by mutating Ags recognised by lymphocytes as these Ags are not required for microbial life
- Recognises molecules released from stressed or necrotic cells
Damage associated molecular pattern (DAMPs)
- Receptor of innate immunity encoded in germline, not produced by somatic recombination
o Predetermined specificity for microbes
o Less diverse specificity than adaptive immunity
o Receptors are nonclonally distributed unlike adaptive
Identical receptors expressed on all cells of the same type
Many cells of innate recognise and respond to the same microbe
- Does not react against host
o Inherent specificity for microbial structures
o Host cells express regulatory molecules that prevent innate rxns
o Adaptive also diff bt self and non-self: lymphocytes that recognise self-Ag are killed or inactivated
- Responds in the same way to repeat encounters with microbes
(unlike adaptive: more efficient with each successive encounter with microbe)
o No immunologic memory (unlike adaptive)
- 2 Principle types of reactions
o Inflammation: recruit and activate leukocytes
o Anti-viral defence: mediated by NK cells, cytokines and interferons
Cellular receptors for microbes
Receptors are expressed on o Phagocytes o DCs o Lymphocytes o Epithelial and endothelial cells
Expressed on
o Cell surface
o Endoplasmic reticulum - rapidly recruited to vesicles (endosomes) into which microbial products are ingested
o Cytoplasm - sensors of cytoplasmic microbes
Molecular patterns: diff classes of receptors specific for diff types of microbial proteins
Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
Other receptors in innate immunity
Receptors associate with inflammasome (multi-protein complex tt transmits signals tt activate enzyme to cleave a precursor of cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) into bioactive form)
Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
o Cell surface receptors on phagocytes and other cell types
o Act as pattern recognition receptors in innate immune response to LPS and microbial products
o Similar to type 1 interleukin-1 receptor
o Specific for diff components of microbes
TLR 2: bacterial lipoglycans
TLR 3, 7, 8: viral nucleic acids (ds RNA)
TLR 4: bacterial LPS
TLR 5: bacterial flagellin
TLR 9: unmethylated CG rich (CpG) oligonucleotides (more in bacterial cells than mammalian cells)
o Present on
Cell surface: recognise products of extracellular microbes
In endosomes into which microbes are ingested
o Engagement of TLRs
Activate transcription factors: stimulate exp of cytokines, enzymes and proteins involved in antimicrobial fxns of activated phagocytes and DCs
o Activate transcription factors
NF-κB (Nuclear Factor-κB): promotes exp of cytokines and endothelial adhesion molecules
IRF-3 (Interferon Response Factor-3): promote production of type I interferons, cytokines tt block viral replication
Other receptors in innate immunity
o Cell surface receptor: peptide that begin with N-formyl methionine (bacterial protein)
o Receptor for terminal mannose residues: phagocytosis of bacteria
o Cytoplasmic receptors
Viral nucleic acids
Bacterial peptides
Components of dead cells eg. Uric acid, DNA
Interleukin 1 (IL-1)
Powerful inducer of inflammatory reaction to microbes and damaged tissues
Gain-of-fxn mutations cause autoinflammatory syndromes: excessive IL-1; treatment: IL-1 antagonists
Common sites of entry from epithelial cells
o Skin (physical contact) o GIT (ingestion) o Respiratory tract (breathing)
How does epithelial prevent entry of microbes
Protected by continuous epithelia tt provide physical and chemical barriers against infection
Epithelial cells produce peptide antibiotics to kill bacteria
Intraepithelial lymphocytes (T cell lineage but express Ag receptors of limited diversity)
o Recognise microbial lipids
o Express receptors composed of γ and β chains unlike αβ TCR in most T cells
Neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes - PMNs)
- Most abundant leukocyte
- Production stimulated by cytokines (colony-stimulating factors)
- Cytokines act on bone marrow stem cells to stimulate proliferation and maturation of neutrophil precursors
- 1st cell to respond to most infections
- Ingest microbes in circulation
- Rapidly enter extravascular tissues at sites of infection
- Short life
Monocytes / Macrophages
o Less than neutrophils
o Ingest microbes in blood and tissues
o Survive for long period in extravascular tissue unlike neutrophils
o Differentiate into macrophages in extravascular tissue – Mononuclear phagocyte system
o Resident macrophages found in connective tissues and every organ in body
Action of phagocytes
o Migrate to extravascular sites of infection
o Use receptors to recognise microbes in blood and extravascular tissues
o Phagocytose (ingest) microbes and destroy ingested microbes in intracellular vesicles
o Macrophages respond to products of T cells and fxn as effector cells of cell-mediated immunity
How does leukocytes migrate to extravascular sites of infection?
o Binding to endothelial cells -> adhesion -> transmigration thru epithelium
o In response to chemoattractants produced on encounter with microbes
Upon infection o Selectin-mediated rolling o Integrin-mediated firm adhesion o Chemokine-mediated motility o Migration of blood leukocytes to extravascular site of infection
Which cytokines are produced by in response to infectious microbes that breach epithelium?
o Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF)
o Interleukin-1 (IL-1)
How does the cytokines produced act?
o Act on endothelium of small vessels at site of infection
o Stimulate endothelial cells to rapidly express 2 adhesion molecules (E-selectin and P-selectin)
o Selectin: carb-binding property of molecules
o Circulating neutrophils and monocytes express surface carbs tt bind weakly to selectins
How does selectin produced recruit leukocytes?
“Rolling” of leukocytes on endothelial surface
o Neutrophils bind to selectins on endothelial surface – become tethered to endothelium
o Flowing blood disrupts binding
o Bonds re-form downstream
o Adhesion molecules expressed by leukocytes
o “integrate” extrinsic signals into cytoskeletal alterations
o Present in low-affinity state on unactivated leukocytes
What are chemokines?
o Chemoattractant cytokines
o Produced by tissue macrophages that encounter the microbe and endothelial cells responding to macrophage-derived TNF and IL-1
o Bind to glycoproteins on luminal surface of endothelial cells
o Displayed at high conc to leukocytes rolling on endothelium
o Stimulate rapid increase in affinity of leukocyte integrins for their ligands on endothelium
o TNF and IL-1 act on endothelium to stimulate expression of ligands for integrins
o Firm binding of integrins to their ligands arrests rolling leukocytes on endothelium
o Cytoskeleton of leukocytes reorganised -> cells spread out on endothelial surface
o Chemokines stimulate motility of leukocytes which then migrate bt endothelial cells -> thru vessel wall (along chemokine conc gradient from low to high to site of infection: chemotaxis)
o Accumulation of leukocytes at sites of infection
o Vascular dilation
o Increased leakage of fluid and proteins
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
o Defective leukocyte recruitment to sites of infection
o Due to inherited deficiencies in integrins and selectin ligands
o Increase susceptibility to infections
Action of receptors in neutrophils and macrophages
- Activate phagocytes – TLRs, receptors for formyl methionine peptide, receptors for cytokines (IFN-γ, chemokines)
- Phagocytosis of microbe - mannose receptors, scavenger receptors
- Ingestion of microbes and activating phagocytes – receptors for products of complement activation and antibodies (receptors avidly bind microbes coated with complement proteins or Abs)
Membrane receptors bind to microbe
Extension of phagocyte plasma mb around microbe
Mb closes up and pinches off
Microbe internalised in a membrane-bound vesicle – phagosome
Phagosome fuses with lysosome – phagolysosome
How does neutrophils and macrophages destroy microbes?
- Phagocytosis
- Receptors of phagocytes signals activation of enzymes in phagolysosomes
- Microbicidal substances produced in lysosomes and phagolysosomes – act on ingested microbes but do not damage phagocytes
o Inflammation can cause tissue injury as microbicidal enzymes and ROS can sometimes be liberated into extracellular space
How does phagolysosomes destroy microbes?
Phagocyte oxidase: convert molecular O2 into superoxide anion and free radicals – Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) – toxic to ingested microbes
Inducible nitric oxide synthase: arginine -> nitric oxide (microbicidal)
Lysosomal proteases: break down microbial proteins
Chronic granulomatous disease
Inherited deficiency of phagocyte oxidase enzyme
Immunodeficiency disease
Phagocytes cannot eradicate intracellular microbes
Host tries to contain infection by recruiting more macrophages and lymphocytes -> cause granulomas (collection of cells around microbes)
Action of macrophages
o Kill phagocytosed microbes
o Produce cytokines tt recruit and activate leukocytes
o Secrete growth factors and enzymes – repair injured tissue and replace with connective tissue
o Stimulate T lymphocytes – enhance adaptive immunity
o Respond to products of T cells
o Effector cells of cell-mediated immunity
Dendritic cells
Present antigen
Respond to microbes by producing cytokines
Cytokines recruit leukocytes and initiate adaptive immune responses
Bridge bt innate and adaptive immunity
NK cells
Lymphocytes that recognise infected and stressed cells – kill them
Secrete macrophage-activating cytokine (IFN-γ) – macrophages become more effective at killing phagocytosed microbes
Make up 10% of lymphocytes in blood and peripheral lymphoid organs
Contain abundant cytoplasmic granules
Express characteristic surface markers
Do not express immunoglobulins and TCR
Activation triggers discharge of proteins in cytoplasmic granules toward infected cells – induce apoptosis of infected host cells
Cooperative function between macrophage and NK cells
o Macrophages ingest microbes and produce IL-2
o IL-2 activates NK cells to secrete IFN-γ
o IFN-γ activates macrophages to kill ingested microbes
Activation of NK cells
o Determined by balance bt activating and inhibitory receptors
o Activating receptors recognise cell surface molecules commonly expressed on stressed cells o Types of stress Virus Intracellular bacteria DNA damage Malignant transformation
o NK cells eliminate irreparably injured and tumour cells
o Activating receptors
NKG2D – recognise molecules that resemble class I MHC (expressed during stress)
Receptor specific for IgG Abs bound to cells – Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) – recognition of Ab-coated cells and subsequent killing of these cells
o Activating receptors contain immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) in cytoplasmic tails
ITAMs also present in subunits of lymphocyte antigen receptors
ITAMs are phosphorylated on tyrosine residues when receptors bind their ligands
Phosphorylated ITAMs then bind and promote activation of cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinases -> signal transduction pathway -> cytotoxic granule exocytosis and production of IFN-γ
Inhibition of NK cells
o Inhibitory receptors specific for self class I MHC expressed on ALL healthy nucleated cells (ie. All cells except RBC)
o Block signalling by activating receptors
o Inhibitory receptors
Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs)
Receptors consisting of protein CD94 and lectin subunit NKG2
o Inhibitory receptors contains immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs)
ITIMs are phosphorylated on tyrosine residues when receptors bind class I MHC
ITIMs then bind and promote activation of cytoplasmic protein tyrosine phosphatases -> remove phosphate groups from tyrosine residues of signalling molecules -> blocking activating receptors of NK cells
o When inhibitory receptors of NK cells encounter self MHC, NK cells are shut off
o Viruses block expression of class I MHC in infected cells
Evade killing by virus-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T cells
NK cell inhibitory receptors not engaged
Virus induces exp of activating ligands
NK cells are thus activated and eliminate virus-infected cells
o Ability of NK cells to protect against infections enhanced by
Cytokines from macrophages
Dendritic cells that encountered microbes
o NK-activating cytokines
Interleukin-15 (IL-15): devp and maturation of NK cells
Type I interferons (IFNs): enhance killing fxn of NK
IL-12: enhance killing of NK
o Host use CTLs to recognise MHC-displayed viral Ags -> viruses shut off MHC exp -> NK cells evolve to respond to absence of MHC
Other classes of lymphocytes that form part of the innate immunity
Innate immunity
Express somatically rearranged Ag receptors (like B and T cells) but have limited diversity
γβ T cells
o In epithelia
NK-T cells
o Express surface molecules typically found on NK cells
o In epithelia and lymphoid organs
o Recognise microbial lipids bound to a class I MHC-related molecule CD1
B-1 cells
o B cells found in peritoneal cavity and mucosal tissue
o Produce Abs in response to microbes and microbial toxins tt pass thru intestinal walls
o Produce most of circulating IgM Abs in blood (natural antibodies) – specific for carbs in bacterial cell wall
Marginal zone B cells
o Present at edges of lymphoid follicles in spleen and other organs
o Involved in rapid Ab responses to blood-borne polysaccharide-rich microbes
Respond like adaptive immunity (Ab production) but have features of innate immunity (rapid response, limited diversity of Ag recognition)
Complement system
Collection of circulating and membrane-associated proteins
Complement proteins: proteolytic enzymes
Complement activation: sequential activation of enzymes (enzymatic cascade)
Activation of complement system via 3 pathways
o Alternative pathway (innate immunity)
o Classical pathway (adaptive immunity)
o Lectin pathway (innate immunity)
Activated complement proteins
o Fxn as proteolytic enzymes to cleave other complement proteins – enzymatic cascade – can be rapidly amplified
o Central plasma protein: C3 (cleaved by enzymes generated in early steps)
3 pathways differ in initiation but share late steps and same effector fxns
Complement Classical pathway (adaptive immunity)
Triggered when Ab bind to microbes/Ags
Complement Alternative pathway (innate immunity)
Triggered when complement proteins activated on microbial surfaces
Cannot be controlled since complement regulatory proteins absent on microbes (but present on host cells)
Complement Lectin pathway (innate immunity)
Activated when mannose-binding lectin (plasma protein) binds to terminal mannose residues on surface glycoproteins of microbes
Lectin activates proteins of classical pathway
What is the major fragment of C3?
Major proteolytic fragment of C3: C3b
C3b covalently attaches to microbes, able to activate downstream complement proteins on microbial surface
3 functions of complement system
- Opsonisation of microbes with complement proteins
- Promote leukocyte recruitment (inflammation) at site of complement activation
- Induce osmotic lysis or apoptotic death of microbes
Complement - 1. Opsonisation of microbes with complement proteinis
C3b coats microbes
Promotes binding of microbes to phagocytes (which have receptors for C3b)
Opsonised microbes are quickly ingested and destroyed by phagocytes
Complement - 2. Promote leukocyte recruitment at site of complement activation
Proteolytic fragments of complement proteins esp C3a, C5a are chemoattractants for phagocytes
Complement - 3. Induce osmotic lysis or apoptotic death of microbes
Complement activation leads to formation of a polymeric protein complex
Complex inserts into microbial cell mb
Disrupt permeability barrier
Cause death of microbe
Promote thrombus formation on endothelium
Reduce BP by a combi of reduced myocardial contractility and vascular dilatation and leakiness
High levels (produced in response to bacteria) cause septic shock (low BP, disseminated intravascular coagulation, metabolic disturbances)
Produced by DC and macrophages
In response to LPS and microbial molecules
Activate NK cells -> macrophage activation
Produced by NK cells
Activate macrophage
Cytokine of both innate and adaptive since T cell produces it too
Type-1 interferons
Produced by DC, macrophages and infected cells in viral infections
Inhibit viral replication
Prevent spread of infection to uninfected cells
Eg. IFN-α:used to treat chronic viral hepatitis
Plasma proteins of innate immunity
- Plasma mannose-binding lectin
- C-reactive protein
- Acute phase response (to infection) o Rapid increase of circulating levels of plasma proteins (acute phase reactants) after infection o Part of innate immune response o Proteins CRP Fibrinogen Serum amyloid A protein o Acute phase reactants synthesised by liver in response to inflammatory cytokines esp IL-6, TNF
Evasion of innate immunity by microbes
- Intracellular bacteria resist destruction inside phagocytes
o Listeria monocytogenes
Produce protein tt enables it to escape from phagocytic vesicles and enter cytoplasm of infected cells
No longer susceptible to ROS and NO (produced in phagolysosomes) - Contain lipid that inhibits fusion of vesicles containing ingested bacteria with lysosomes
o Mycobacteria - Cell walls resistant to actions of complement proteins
How innate immunity stimulates adaptive immunity?
Innate immune responses generate molecules tt fxn as “second signals” (SS) which activate T and B cells tog with Ags
2 signals needed for full activation of Ag-specific lymphocytes o Signal 1: antigen o Signal 2 can be provided by 1. Microbe 2. Innate immune response to microbe 3. Host cell damaged by microbe
Need for microbe-dependent SS ensures lymphocytes respond to infectious agents and not to harmless non-infectious substances
o Substance distinct from Ag
o Enhance T cell activation by
Promoting accumulation of APC at site of Ag exposure
Enhancing exp of costimulators and cytokines by APC
Second Signals
Costimulators: surface molecules expressed by DC and macrophages which bind to receptors on naive T cells, fxn tog with Ag recognition to activate T cells
Cytokine IL-12: produced by DC and macrophages – stimulate differentiation of naive T cells into effector cells of cell-mediated adaptive immunity
o DC and macrophages stimulated by microbes to produce SS to activate T cells
How are blood-borne microbes removed by innate and adaptive together
o Microbes activate complement system by alternative pathway
o C3d produced is covalently attached to microbe
o B cells recognise microbial Ags and C3d -> initiate process of B cell diff to secrete Ab
o Complement product serves as SS for humoral immune response