Data collection of the dependent
variable without intervention in place.
A pattern of responding that exhibits
relatively little variation in its measured dimensional quantities over a period of
Steady State Responding
Demonstration that baseline level of
responding would have remained had
the IV not been introduced.
Repeating conditions within an
experiment to determine the reliability
of effects and increase internal validity.
Potential interactions among conditions based on the sequences these treatments are presented.
Sequence Effects
Potential interactions among conditions because behavior was permanently
changed by the manipulation.
Carry-Over Effects
Potential interactions among conditions because the actual order of conditions influences the outcome.
Order Effects
Reversal/Withdrawal Design
Baseline – Intervention - Baseline
Multielement/ Alternating
Treatment Design
Compares different treatments to each
other or to no treatment at all.
Multiple Baseline Design
Two or more independent baselines are
established; IV is then separately
introduced in a staggered fashion to
each baseline.
Multiple Probe Technique
Supports an analysis of behavior
learned through shaping/chaining.
Changing Criterion Design
Criterion for a given behavior gradually
changes over the course of the
Parametric Analysis
An experiment designed to discover the
differential effects of a range of values
of an independent variable.
Component Analysis
Systematic assessment of two or more
independent variables or components
that comprise a treatment package.
Experimental Control
Demonstration of a functional
relationship; IV has control over DV.
Independent Variable
The variable being manipulated.
Dependent Variable
The variable being measured.
Confounding Variable
An uncontrolled factor known or
suspected to exert influence on the
dependent variable.