Partial Interval Recording
If the behavior occurs or not in any part of the interval
Whole Interval-
if the behavior occurs during the entire interval
Momentary Time Sampling
if the behavior occurs AT THE END OF THE INTERVAL
Permanent Products
The OUTCOME of a desired behavior without physically witnessing the behavior being done.
Operational definitions
Describe the TOPOGRAPHY of the behavior. Describes what the behavior physically looks like ( Tantrums, screaming, crying, falling to floor )
Preference assessment
It helps identify the items that children are most interested in
Descriptive assessment
This type of assessment is conducted in the natural environment where the behavior is occurring and can be observed directly.
Free Operant
Naturalistic observation seeing what items/activities client interacts with,frequency and duration of play
- Single Stimulus
Therapist presents SINGLE item and records if client interacted with the item.
Paired Stimulus
Therapist presents TWO randomly paired items and records the number of
times each item is chosen.
Multiple Stimulus with
Replacement (MSO)
The RBTplaces an array of items in front of the child, and allows him or her to select one. After the child plays with or consumes the item, the teacher replaces that same item in the array, and replaces the unselected items with new ones.
Multiple Stimulus
without Replacement
An array of items is again placed in front of the learner, allowing them to choose one and play with or consume it. The item is then removed from the array, ending the first trial.
Discrete trial teaching
Discrete trials utilize A-B-C format:
* A= Antecedent, B= Behavior,
C= Consequence /
SD ( instruction ), Prompt , response, reinforcement or correction )
Unconditioned Reinforcer or Primary Reinforcer
A stimulus that is reinforcing
WITHOUT any prior learning /
Things that fulfill basic needs.
They don´t need to be taught.
( food, water, shelter, )
Conditioned Reinforcer or Secondary or learned reinforcer
A stimulus that requires pairing
with unconditioned or powerful
conditioned reinforcers
( Attractive to the child )
It functions as a reward becuase you repeatdely paired it with an item or activity that your client already loves
( Music , toys )