AASHTO Flashcards
what table has table for live load distribution for moment in interior beams
what table has table for live load distribution for moment in exterior beams
what table has table for live load distribution for skewed bridges
The AASHTO pedestrian load on bridge sidewalk is
.075 ksf
If load is applied to the bridge restricted to pedestrians and bicycles then the load will be
Railing must be deigned to withstand
.050 ksf both transversely and vertically
The gravity load for design truck is outlined in
The total factored force effect “Q” shall be taken as
Σ ηγQ
Load modifier specified in article 1.3.2
Load factor specified in table 3.4 1-1 to1-5
Strength 1
Basic load combination use of bridge without wind
Strength 2
Load combination relating to the use of the bridge by owner specified special design vehicles
Strength 3
load combination relating to the bridge exposed to the design wind speed
Strength 4
Load combinations emphasizing dead load force effects in bridge superstructures
Strength 5
Load combination relating to normal vehicular use of the bridge with 80mph wind velocity
Extreme event 1
load combination including earthquake
Extreme event 2
Load combination relating to ice load, Collison by vessels and vehicles, floods, and certain hydraulic events with a reduced live load
Service 1
combination relating to the normal use of the bridge with a 70 mph wind. Also related to deflection control in buried metal structures, tunnel liner plate, etc
what table has table for load combinations and load factors
AASHTO Table 3.4.1-1
what table has table load factors for permanent loads
AASHTO Table 3.4.1-2
Service 2
Load combination intended to control yielding of steel structures and slip critical connections due to vehicular live load
Service 3
Load combination for longitudinal analysis relating to tension in prestressed concrete superstructures with the objective of crack control
Service 4
Load combination relating only to tension in pre stressed concrete columns with objective of crack control
Define the permanent load Abbreviations ES,EV,PS,SH
ES= Earth surcharge load
EV= Vertical pressure from dead load of earth fill
PS= Secondary forces from post tensioning for strength limit states; total prestress forces for service limit state
SH= Force effects due to shrinkage
Define the permanent loads: CR,DD,DC,DW,EH
CR = Force effects due to creep
DD= Downdrag force
DC= Dead load of structural components and non structural attachments
DW= Dead load of wearing surfaces
EH= Horizontal Earth pressure load
Define the transient loads: BL,BR,CE,CT,CV
BL= Blast Loading
BR= Vehicular braking force
CE= Vehicular centrifugal force
CT= Vehicular collision force
CV= Vessel collision force
Define the transient loads: EQ,FR,IC,IM,LL,LS
EQ= Earthquake load
FR= Friction load
IC= Ice load
IM= Vehicular dynamic load allowance
LL= Vehicular live load
LS= Live load surcharge
What is the
Load factor for DC strength 4
Max=1.5 Min = .90
Load factor for DD with the Tomlinson method
Max=1.40 Min = .25
Load factor for DW
Max=1.5 Min = .65
Load factor for EH Horizontal earth pressure that is active
Max=1.5 Min = .90
Load factor for EH Horizontal earth pressure that is at rest.
Max=1.35 Min = .90
Load factor for DW
Max=1.5 Min = .65
Unit weight of Bituminous wearing surfaces
.140 kcf
Unit weight of lightweight concrete
.110 to .135 kcf
Unit weight of normal concrete f’<= 5ksi
.145 kcf
Unit weight of normal concrete f’<= 15ksi but more than 5
Unit weight of compacted sand
.120 kcf
Unit weight of steel
.490 kcf
Unit weight of transit rails, ties and fastening
.200 kcf
The number of design lanes shall be taken as
Where w IS the clear roadway width in feet between curbs, barriers, or both
Vehcicular live loading on the roadway of bridges or incidnental structures are designated as ______and shall consist of the combination of ________
HL-93, Design truck or design tandem, and design lane load.
The distribution Factor is defined as
g = Mrefined analysis / Mbeam analysis
Limitations on the use of distribution factors
- Constant cross section
2.Number of beams is four or more - Beams are parallel and have approximately the same stiffness
- Roadway cantilever does not exceed 3’
- Plan curvature is small
- Cross section is as defined as in tables
Live load distribution factors for moment in interior beam can be found on table
Live load correction factors for shear in obtuse center can be found on table