AAFCS Exam - Housing and Design Flashcards
Elements of design are ______. Just like the carpenter has a hammer and saw, the designer has elements.
What are the four elements of design?
Line, Form, Color, & Texture
What is a line?
The extension of a point.
What are the four types of lines?
Horizontal, Vertical, Diagnol, & Curved
What are the four functions of a line?
Delineates space, outlines form, conveys a sense of direction or movement, & they can express feelings or emotions
Horizontal Lines
Parallel to the gound; Horizontal lines suggest a solid, harmonious relationship with the Earth; the Earth’s gravity has no further pull.
Solidity, stability, peaceful/restful; harmonious, weighty, secure
Vertical Lines
Perpendicular to the ground (ground up to the sky): Vertical lines lift the eye upward and suggest tallness or height
Dignified, stable, formal, imposing, strength
Diagnol Lines
Forms an angle with the ground; Diagonal lines are flexible because their exact direction may vary from shallow to steep angles; generally suggests movement
Action, movement, interest, stability
Curved Lines
Curved or circular lines provide relief and softness to straight and angular lines and balance the harshness of too many straight lines.
Soft, harmonizing, graceful, joyful
Eclectic is a term that refers to “____________” of types.
Zigzag Lines
Zigzag lines are short diagonal lines that reverse upon themselves and form a regular or irregular pattern. A zigzag line can be one single line or several in a set.
Exciting, lively, rhythmic movement
Line is one-dimensional, shape is two-dimensional, and form is _________-dimensional. What are those three dimensions?
Length, width, and depth
What are the four different types of form?
Realistic, Abstract, Geometric, & Free
Realistic Form is the type of form that _______
“looks like the real thing”
Abstract Form is the type of form that _______
alters a recognizable object to be more contemporary
Geometric Form is the type of form that _______
uses geometric figures to create an object
Free Form is the type of form that _______
is random, untraditional with a sense of freedom
What feelings and emotions does a curved line communicate?
lines suggest “soft, feminine, gracefulness, playfulness, and zest”
What feelings and emotions does a horizontal line communicate?
lines suggest “formality, dignity, and strength”
What forms/shapes use a curved line?
Sphere, cylinder, or cone
What forms/shape use a horizontal line communicate?
Cube or a rectanglar form translate into 3-Dimensional home furnishings (ex. box)
What are the two guidelines for using form?
- Form allows function
- Related forms are more aggreable than unrelated forms (A room is more pleasing if the form of the dominant piece is repeated in minor pieces and accessories within a room?
.Color is a property of ______________________. A color spectrum is produced by a beam of light as it passes through a prism.
The color wheel system, based on three primary colors, is known as the __________________ - System.
Brewster; it may also be called the Prang System
Each color on the color wheel is a true ________.
_________________________ colors are those that cannot be mixing two other colors together (red, blue, yellow).
A _____________________ is color from a biological source, which for the purposes of housing and interior design can be derived from synthetic or natural sources.
___________________________ colors are those that can be made by mixing two primary colors together (orange, violet, green).
____________________ or intermediate colors are those made by mixing a primary with a secondary color. The primary color is always named first. The number of these colors can go on indefinitely.
_________________ colors include black, white, and brown, as well as all tints and shades of those colors.
What are the three methods that can be used to make neutral colors?
Black and white
Complementary colors
All three primaries together (plus some black and white)
Black is the absence of _____________________; white is the absence of _________________.
Black is the absence of “light”
White is the absence of “color”
Neutrals include glass, stone such as _______, ________, and _______.
Slate, brick, and marble
Neutrals include metalics such as _______, ________, and _______.
Brass, pewter, gold, and chrome
_____________________________ colors are colors opposite each other on the color wheel.
________________________ refers to the brightness or dullness of color. _______________ is another word for this.
Intensity; sometimes called “chroma”
The degree of brightness is referred to as ________
“Value” of colors is ________
the lightness or darkness of a color
Shade is a hue with what color is added?
Tint is a hue with what color added?
Tone is a hue when some _________ and _______ are added.
Black and white
Colors on rough surfaces appear _______________.
When painting a wall, the color will dry ______.
Artificial incandescent or fluorescent ___________________may affect the appearance of color.
______ _______________ or harmonies are groups of colors that work well together.
Color Schemes
What four things may a color scheme include?
A color scheme can include hues, any values (including tints, shades, tones), or intensities of that hue, and any neutrals.
Monochromatic is …..
a color scheme using one color, and tints, tones, and shades of that color
Analogous is …..
A color scheme using 3 or more colors next to each other on the color wheel.
Complementary is
A color scheme using colors opposite each other on the color wheel.
Double Complementary is….
A Color scheme using two sets of complementary colors.
Split Complementary is…
A color scheme using one color, and the colors on either side of it’s complement. This color scheme, along with the double complementary are more difficult to achieve in a tasteful fashion.
Triad is….
A color scheme using three colors equal distance from each other on the color wheel
A neutral color scheme is….
A color scheme using whites, blacks, browns, grays and beiges, etc.
Warm Colors are…
Colors on the warm side of the spectrum…red, yellow, orange. They usually also include the neutral black and brown tones.
Cool Colors are….
Colors on the cool side of the spectrum…blue, violet, green. They usually include the neutral white and gray tones.
Light colors move “_________________”. That means they make a ceiling appear higher and a room appear larger
“move away from you”
Dark colors move “______________”. That means they make a ceiling seem lower and a room seem smaller.
closer to you
Large or busy prints may make a room appear ________.
Color schemes look better when just __________ color dominates.
Your dominant color should cover about _________ of the room area. An equal split between dominant and subordinate colors is less pleasing.
Start your color scheme plan by evaluating what parts of the room cannot be _______________.
changed; then consider color choices that will complement existing furnishings
Psychological Effect of Colors
- Color affects eye’s perception of weight and size. Dark and bright colors seem heavier than light and cool colors
- Color affects eye’s perception of weight and size. Dark and bright colors seem heavier than light and cool colors
- Color can cause feelings of boredom and calmness, or stimulation and liveliness.
- Colors can affect one’s reaction to sounds, taste, odors, and time perception.
- Colors can improve the rate of recovery of sick patients.
Physiological effects of color cause a change in the _______.
Psychological effects of color are those sensed by the _______.
Elegance, humility, respect, reverence, stability, subtlety, timelessness, wisdom OR boredom, decay, decrepitude, dullness, dust, pollution, urban sprawl
Reverence, purity, snow, peace, innocence, cleanliness, simplicity, security, humility, marriage, sterility, winter OR coldness, sterility, surrender, cowardice, fearfulness, winter, unimaginative
Modernity, power, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, style OR evil, death, fear, anonymity, anger, sadness, remorse, mourning, unhappiness, mystery
Passion, strength, energy, fire, love, sex, excitement, speed, heat, leadership, masculinity, power OR danger, fire, gaudiness, blood, war, anger, revolution, radicalism, aggression, stop
Seas, skies, peace, unity, harmony, tranquility, calmness, coolness, confidence, water, ice, loyalty, conservatism, dependability, cleanliness, technology, winter OR depression, coldness, idealism, obscenity, ice, tackiness, winter
Nature, spring, fertility, youth, environment, wealth, money (US), good luck, vigor, generosity, go, grass OR aggression, inexperience, envy, misfortune, jealousy, money, illness, greed
Sunlight, joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, wealth (gold), summer, hope, air OR cowardice, illness (quarantine), hazards, dishonesty, avarice, sissification, weakness
Sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, ceremony, mystery, wisdom, enlightenment OR arrogance, flamboyance, gaudiness, mourning, profanity, exaggeration
Buddhism, energy, balance, heat, fire, enthusiasm, flamboyance, playfulness OR Aggression, arrogance, flamboyance, gaudiness, over-emotion, warning, danger, fire