AA The New Deal 1933-1941 Flashcards
Agriculture adjustment act (AAA)
* cut back in production reducing the quantity of food available so prices rose
* 6 million pigs slaughter and crops dug up
* initial success farm income rose 58% between 1932 and 1936
* supreme cort ruled it unconstitutional in 1936
negative impact
- sped up agriculture production changing from family run business to commercial enterprise
- many AA sharecroppers lost their jobs
How did AAA raise farm income between 1932 and 1936?
Negative impact of AAA on AA
- Sped up agricultural production
changing it from family run business to large commercial enterprise - Made alredy vunrable AA more vunrable as many sharecroppers lost their jobs beacuse landoweners had to end sharecropper contracts
- 100,000 sharecroppers lost thier land by 1934
- 200,000 sharecroppers lost thier land by 1940
- lobby groups such as alabama sharcroppers union tried to prevent eviction but had very little sucess
between 1933 and 1934 how many black sharecroppers lost thier land, how many lost by 1940? And why?
- 1934 100,000
- 1940 200,000
- landlords reduced thier acreage to qualify AAA financial payments
When did the Supreme Court rule AAA unconstitutional?
FCA (farm credit act)
- 1933
- Provided loans to farmers to maintain both their homes and farms and remove fear of unemployment
- Didn’t apply to tenant farmers and sharecroppers
- It gave security for the future and enables farmers to take advantage of other government programmes to raise production
NIRA and NRA (manufacturing) national industrial recovery act
- 1933
- Introduced codes to control production, prices and labour relations (defuse both aggressive employer practices and labour militancy)
- Wages set to ensure a minimum income, 40 hour week and more employment
- recognised unions having the right to collectivly bargain but this was option for employers to recogniise
- initaly popular with 2 million signing the pledge
- Ruled uncositutional by the supreme court in1935
- However racial discrimination and segregation not challenged
- Did not apply to the agriculture in which the majority of A continued to work
Limitation of NIRA and NRA
- racial discrimination and segregation not challenged
- Did not apply to the agriculture in which the majority of A continued to work
How many estimated AA lost their low paid jobs because of minimum wage
What % of AA relied on sharecropping in the 1930s
How many AA did Hopkins work progress administration employ between 1936-1940?
Banking act 1933
- Sperated investment banks from commercial banks ensuring that investors money could not be used/ lost in speculative ventures
- Guaranteed deposits and savings
- Only of benefit to those with savings and investment (so pretty much only the well of white male)
PWA (public works administration)1933
- 6 billion invested in numerouse (34,000) projects
- Provied paid work for 4 million prieviosly unemployed
- Racial segregation and discrimination wasn’t challenged
- discontinued in 1939
CCC 1933
- Provided work for 3 million young men
- Guarenteed monthly wage ($30, $25 sent back to families)
- Approxinatelv 200,000
AA benefited - 15,000 native americans
- Excluded women
- Racial segregation and discrimination wasn’t challenged
- disbanded in 1942
How many men benefited from CCC and how many were AA?
3 million men in total
Approximately 200,000 AA
CCC effect on AA
- only 10% of places were reserved for AAs: only 175,000 black men in the programme in the nine years that it ran for.
- in Clarke County, Georgia, not one black American resident was chosen to attend CCC camps, even though AAs compromised 60% of the population. They eventually received CCC places only when the federal government threatened to withhold CCC funding from the state
- CCC camps were segregated from 1935 due to complaints from local white communities and politicians in the South
- opposition against all-black camps: a local white community petitioned the CCC to cancel the creation of a black CCC camp on the grounds that local white girls might want to go out with young black men