A4 - Performing further procedures, forming conclusions and communications Flashcards
What control helps ensure that all sales transactions are recorded?
Pre-numbering the shipping documents and matching them to the sales journal. The sales order form should be pre-numbered when created.
How to test a revenue control to identify overstatement (occurrence)?
You do a backward test starting from the sales invoice to the shipping documents (bill of lading) to verify all sales billed to customers and recorded had goods shipped.
How to test a revenue control to identify understatement (completeness)?
You do a forward test starting from the shipping documents (bill of lading) to the sales invoice or sales journal to verify that for all shipped goods to customer there was a sales billed and recorded.
What happens if the auditor finds shipping docs but a sales invoice was not recorded?
- The auditor assumes potential theft (misappropriation of assets)
- The goods were probably shipped on consignment.
What are the 3 main documents in the revenue cycle?
- Sales order - created by sales department and approved by the credit department
- Bill of lading - Shipping documents to evidence shipping of goods (beginning of transaction)
- Sales Invoice - created by the billing department.
How can the auditor obtain comfort and evidence to ensure the controls around accounts receivables are operating effectively?
The auditor can observe the entity’s employee prepare the schedule of past due accounts receivable.
What is the process to account for cash receipts to clear accounts receivable?
Incoming receipts (mail) are listed in the remittance detail and 3 copies are sent to the following personnel:
1. Cashier receives actual receipt and prepares bank deposit
2. AR department enters receipt in AR subsidiary records and matches bank deposit ticket with details from the remittance advices.
3. Accounting enters receipt into the accounts receivable account.
How does segregation of duties need to be applied when testing sales controls?
Authorization: Sales orders and credit, treasurer
Record Keeping: Billing/Accounts Receivable/Accounting
Custody: Warehouse and shipping
How does segregation of duties need to be applied when testing cash receipt controls?
Record Keeping: Accounts receivable/accounting
Custody: Mail room and cashier (treasurer)
How does the auditor test the valuation assertion for the revenue cycle?
- observes the credit granting policy (relates to allowance)
- reviews the aging schedule
- Anything related with the allowance for doubtful account and how it’s valued (e.g., write-offs of AR and bad debt expense)
How does the auditor test the existence assertion for accounts receivables?
By sending confirmations to the customers to ascertain that balances shown on the company’s records actually do exist, and customer is real.
When is a positive confirmation to confirm AR balance sent to the client’s customer?
The auditor sends a positive confirmation to the client’s customer when the auditor wants the customer to confirm if it owns the balance or not, and if the balance is correct or not. This type of confirmation is sent to customers that are high risk and have large AR balances outstanding.
When is a negative confirmation to confirm AR balance sent to the client’s customer?
The auditor sends a negative confirmation to the client’s customer when the auditor only wants the customer to confirm if the AR balance is incorrect. This sent to the customer when there is a small audit risk and AR balances outstanding are small.
When is a blank confirmation to confirm AR balance sent to the client’s customer?
Blank confirmations should be sent to the customer if the recipients are likely to sign other types of positive confirmations without careful investigation. Blank confirmation requires the recipient to fill in the AR balance.
When does the auditor confirms the client’s accounts receivable balances?
When the account receivable balances are deemed material to the balance sheet. This is required by GAAS.
What happen if the auditor does not receive a response to the first confirmation?
The auditor should send a second or even third confirmation request if necessary. The client may be asked to intervene.
If no response, the auditor can use alternative procedures by inspecting the shipping documents to ensure the goods were actually sold to the debtor (existence) and check the cash collection balance for the account.
What are the documents used in the expenditure cycle?
- Purchase Requisition - issued by the department that needs the goods
- Purchase Order (same as sales order) - issued and approved by purchasing department
- Receiving Report - Created by the Receiving department when goods arrive (same as bill of lading)
- Purchase Invoice (same as sales invoice) received from the vendor
What is the function of the purchasing department?
issue and approve the purchase order and negotiate vendor terms.
What is the function of the accounts payable/Voucher department?
Matches the four documents to ensure they were received, checks for authorizations, and prepares the voucher. this is the approval for payment.
What is the role of the cash disbursement department (Treasurer)?
To sign the check for payment and mail it.
When is a debit memo issued?
A debit memo is issued when nonconforming goods are returned to the vendor and sent to accounting to reduce the AP balance.
When is a credit memo issued?
A credit memo is issued when goods are returned by the customer and sent to accounting to reduce the AR balance.
How does segregation of duties need to be applied when testing expenditure and cash disbursement controls?
Authorization: Purchasing/requisitioning Dept
Record Keeping: Accounts Payable/Accounting
Custody: Receiving (purchased item) and treasurer (cash)
How will the auditor identify unrecorded liabilities (cutoff assertion)?
- The auditor will review the receiving reports to confirm if any of the inventory received before year-end was not recorded as purchased.
- The auditor can compare cash payments occurred after B/S date to the AP trial balance in the correct period
- The auditor can verify unmatched invoices and unbilled receiving reports as they may indicate an unrecorded liability exist.
How can the auditor test if accounts payable is understated?
The auditor can examine vendor invoices for amounts not recorded as purchased (completeness assertion)
When are confirmations issued to vendors to confirm AP balances?
Confirmations are sent to vendors to confirm AP balances after year end or subsequent period
What is the purpose of the cut off bank statement?
To verify the reconciling items related to cash in the year end bank reconciliation.
What is lapping of cash?
Lapping is when cash is received from a customer, but the cash is not applied by the bookkeeper into the customer account, instead it is stolen. Subsequently, cash received from another customer is applied (credited) to the first customer’s account so an overdue bill will not be mailed to the customer.
How can a company prevent from lapping?
One of the best methods to guard against lapping is use of a “lockbox” system.
What are safeguards to prevent from lapping?
- Independent comparison of recorded cash receipts with funds actually deposited.
- Separation of incoming receipts from subsidiary accounts receivable remittance advice.
- comparison of bank deposit details and remittance credit details.
- Provision of timely statements
- Confirmation of customer balances.
What is Kitting?
Kitting occurs when a check is written out of a bank account#1 and deposited into bank account#2. The disbursement from bank account#1 is not recorded until a few days after the end of the year.
What happens when there is frequent kitting?
Frequent kitting may result in a high level of deposits coupled with a low average balance.
How is kitting detected?
A bank transfer schedule should be prepared. For any bank-to-bank transfers that occur near year-end, the disbursement date on the check and in the ledger for the disbursing account should precede the receipt date noted by the bank and in the ledger for the receiving account.
What balances are verified at year-end with the Bank confirmations?
Balances from the following:
1. actual loans
2. contingent liabilities
3. discounted notes
4. pledged collateral
5. guarantee or security agreements
What does footing means?
Verifying the mathematical accuracy of an invoice or bank statement.
Who is responsible to review the monthly bank statement?
The internal auditor as is independent of other cash functions.
How does the auditor verifies the completeness of the outstanding check list at year end?
- Auditor verifies that checks dated prior to year end cleared in the cutoff period
- Auditor trace the checks to the outstanding check list for completeness
What does the cut-off statement includes?
- it starts with the year-end statement balance
- includes all deposits and checks that clear within 10-15 days following year end and any other account activity.
What internal control is helpful to maintain accurate inventory records?
Periodic inventory counts are used to adjust perpetual inventory records.
When should the auditor observe the inventory of goods held off-site in public warehouses or in consignment?
When the inventory held therein is significant; otherwise, confirmation of such inventory is sufficient.
What would least likely help the auditor determine whether inventory slow-moving, defective, and obsolete?
Testing the computation of standard overhead rates related to the accumulation of costs.
When should an auditor perform inventory procedures during or after the end of the period under audit?
If the company maintains a well-kept perpetual inventory system and perform physical cycle count throughout the year to ensure accuracy, the auditor may observe the inventory before or after year-end if necessary.
How can the auditor perform a test for completeness of the inventory?
- Overstatement: Auditor goes from inventory tagging to the inventory report
- Understatement: Auditor compares items in the test count to the inventory report.
- Performing cutoff procedures provides assurance that goods in transit (shipped or received) are appropriately included or excluded from inventory.
How can the auditor perform a test for rights and obligations of the inventory?
- Auditor examines vendor invoices to ensure the inventory belongs to the client.
- Auditor ascertains that consigned inventory on hand is excluded from the physical count
- Goods shipped to others on consignment need to be included in inventory-rights.
- Inspect agreements to determine whether inventory is pledged as collateral or subject to any liens
How does the auditor perform a test for existence of the inventory?
- Overstatement: Auditor goes from inventory report to find/vouch tags in the actual inventory. If tags are not found, this means overstatement
- Auditor selects inventory items from the inventory report and match the items to the test count.
What information should be included in the inventory disclosures?
- Cost method (LIFO, FIFO, weighted average)
- Raw materials, WIP, finished goods inventory balances
- Consigned inventory
- Pledged or assigned inventory
- Significant losses from inventory write-downs or purchase commitments.
- Warranty obligations
What type of disclosure would be mostly related to understandability of presentation and classification in the inventory cycle?
Confirming inventory pledged under loan agreements, as this has to be disclosed in the F/S.
When are analytical procedures performed in the investment cycle?
Analytical procedures are used to test the predictable relationship between long-term investments and investment income. Analytical procedures are mostly used to predict income statement accounts.
What control is most effective in assuring proper custody of assets in the investing cycle?
If investment held by the company, the investments should be periodically counted and reconciled with the investment subsidiary ledger by a party not associated with the investments.
What control helps safeguarding against loss of marketable securities?
An independent trust company has no direct contact with the employees who have recordkeeping responsibilities has procession of the securities.